Brooch of Figmentia

“Let us make this quicker than last time, shall we? We will do this the painful way if we must. Hand over the brooch.”

The Brooch of Figmentia is an obscure artifact due it it’s elusive nature. The ornate looking silver pin is engraved with an intricate family crest. Taking the brooch into your possession will cause a curse to befall you.

Brooch of Figmentia


Engraved Silver BroochDepicts A Non-Existent Royal Crest




Curse of Figmentia

Along with the brooch comes a strange curse. If the last person who touched the brooch keeps it with them for over a day, they will acquire the Curse of Figmentia. At this point, the curse fades from whoever previously had it, if anyone.

Figmentian Blackguards

If the Curse of Figmentia is compelled, the cursed individual will get assaulted by brigands of Figmentia. As Figmentia only exists in the mind of the one who is cursed, these brigands are only visible to them. On such a compel, a number of Figmentian Blackguards (see below) will ‘ambush’ the victim and attempt to steal the brooch from them. This can theoretically be any type of scene, GM’s choice. If the blackguards are taken out, or if they are successful in claiming the brooch, they will fade from the scene. The number of Figmentian Blackguards is variable, but will increase the longer a single victim is cursed.

Breaking The Curse

The curse can only be broken in two ways. First, it can be permanently broken by powerful magics provided a successful curse-dispelling ritual. What exactly this would take is unknown. The curse can temporarily be broken in the case that it is transferred to someone else or the Figmentian Blackguards successfully take the brooch from the victim. If the brigands obtain the brooch, it will appear in a seemingly-random, obscure location to haunt the next person who finds it

Figmentian Blackguard


Brigand From a Fictional PlaceA Figment Of Your ImaginationSo We Meet Again


  • +2 Lighter Than Air (Athletics)
  • +2 Armed Scoundrel (Fight and Shoot)
  • +1 In The Shadows Of Your Mind (Stealth)





A Figment Of Your Imagination

Being that Figmentian Blackguards are not ‘real’ in the physical sense, they can only deal mental stress to the cursed individual. The cursed character can, however, deal any kind of stress to the figments. Other characters in the scene cannot see or interact with the Figmentian Blackguards and vice versa

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