

Design your own survival horror games with the Breathless System.


Easily create solo exploration RPG Guided by Firelights

Charge RPG
Charge RPG

A generic and fiction first RPG system to power your action packed adventures.


A print friendly & condensed version of the Charge RPG system.

Harmony Drive
Harmony Drive

Build a campaign-style adventure TTRPG, one that lets players express themselves, work together, and make difficult choices, this is the system for you!

Resistance Toolbox
Resistance Toolbox

Make your own games of desperate struggle using the Resistance System, the core rules that power the Spire RPG.


A lo-fi sci-fi RPG SRD.

Fate Core
Fate Core

A Complete guide to Fate with rules, examples and tips. A most if your thirst for knowledge was not satisfied with Fate Condensed.

The Grove System
The Grove System

From cyberpunk dystopia to farming sims, and from space exploration, to coffee shop socials, the Grove System is a robust token system

Bad Time SRD
Bad Time SRD

Give characters a laughably bad time with the Bad Time Game SRD!


Forest fantasy based on Into The Odd and Knave


A modern horror ttrpg that focuses on how characters change through danger, exposure to the weird, stress & fallout. Some may survive, all will be changed.

Hints and Hijinx
Hints and Hijinx

A purpose-built solo mystery system that's easy to design mystery games for, & puts the power of deduction in the hands of the player.


RPG system for action packed, power fantasy games.


A story-first, push-your-luck system for your games

Tricube Tales
Tricube Tales

A rules-light roleplaying system capable of handling a wide variety of genres and settings.


A Toolkit For Making Exploration Games.

Fate Condensed
Fate Condensed

The latest version of the Fate System. Compact, stand-alone and streamlined for clarity and ease of reference.

Blades in the Dark
Blades in the Dark

Use this SRD to make your own Forged in the Dark game

Hopes & Dreams
Hopes & Dreams

Make your own game ignited by Hopes & Dreams.

Fate Accelerated
Fate Accelerated

If you want to get started quickly, this dialed-down version of Fate Core will get you going in no time.

Guided by the Sun
Guided by the Sun

A GM-less, card-based system, where players tell the story of a protagonist undertaking a journey and making friends along the way.

Trophy SRD
Trophy SRD

Build your own rules-light, risk-heavy games rooted in the Trophy SRD.

The Murk
The Murk

A free and open licensed version of The Murk that contains all the rules, information and design guidelines for you to make your own game in The Murk.

Personae SRD
Personae SRD

Build any kind of characters you can imagine, and allow for meaningful choices to impact the unfolding of thrilling adventures.

SAVE System
SAVE System

The SAVE System is a framework for building quick-playing, low-prep, story-focused RPGs.

Fate Adversary Toolkit
Fate Adversary Toolkit

What ever the genre, this book gives you the tools you need to create great obstacles for you stories.

Fate System Toolkit
Fate System Toolkit

This expansion for the Fate Core System contains tons of flexible, hackable and adaptable rules that fits any world you are trying to play in.

Charge SRD
Charge SRD

An SRD to make action packed RPGs with forward momentum.

Fari App Wiki
Fari App Wiki

Wiki to the Fari App Website

Fari Community
Fari Community

Get started in using the Fari Community website.

Fate Stunts
Fate Stunts

A very detailed list of stunts to help you get started with Fate character creation quickly.

Success With Style
Success With Style

A searchable supply of ideas; these Fate pointers help you succeed with style!

Second Guess System
Second Guess System

Power your solo role-playing games.

Tension Engine
Tension Engine

Toolkit to wind your own games with tension, creating cinematic pacing of the environment and exciting breaks.


A featherweight tag-based system built for kids and newcomers to run story games, easily modifiable to add depth.

VEN6 Storytelling System SRD
VEN6 Storytelling System SRD

Create narrative storytelling roleplaying games with conflict mechanics and a GM option.

Shillings SRD
Shillings SRD

Shillings SRD is an SRD where you pay to make other pay


Journaling while following leads

Storyteller Creator's Guide
Storyteller Creator's Guide

Create supplements, content, hacks and games from Storyteller: The Campfire Narrative Game

Threads of Lachesis
Threads of Lachesis

A guide to create solo games or generators with branched random prompts that the player organizes into a cohesive sequence via a single roll.

Four Points SRD
Four Points SRD

Build an RPG focused on player agency, characters, narrative and customisation, where you decide when to succeed and when to test your luck.

Fight Card System
Fight Card System

A system/design guide for resolving fights via a two player trick taking game.


A game about slaying gods

Seelie Squire's Book of Monsters
Seelie Squire's Book of Monsters

Brought to you by Seelie Squire, this is ultimate resource if you are looking for the closest thing to a Fate Compendium.

COSMIC Free TTRPG Mechanics
COSMIC Free TTRPG Mechanics

a set of mechanics for playing or creating a role-playing game. COSMIC stands for cooperative, open, short, modular, independent, and collaborative. It is free and open to everyone under the Anti-Capitalist Attribution Cooperative License. You may use this to create a new game or salvage mechanics and ideas from this. What you can't do is create racist, bigoted, transphobic content based on anything you find here.

TL-N Core
TL-N Core

TL-N Core is a gm-less roleplaying SRD, based on the rules of the Brazilian TTRPG Tractatus Ludico-Narrativus.


Turbo-Fate ist die deutsche Übersetzung von Fate Accelerated und eine gekürzte Form des beliebten Fate-Core-Rollenspiels.

Five Powers SRD
Five Powers SRD

The Five Powers SRD harnesses the full potential of the 5 Elements of East-Asian Philosophy so you can create evocative games!

Quixotic SRD
Quixotic SRD

Extravagantly chivalrous


A game system designed for situations and stories with mounting pressure and immediate consequences of failure or coming up short

Binary Trinity
Binary Trinity

A pub RPG micro-system


Rules-light generic 2d6 RPG.


A solo RPG system based on Freeform Universal

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