Units of Time in Game

In The Murk, time is not measured in traditional units or hours. Instead, we emphasize the exciting and engaging aspects of your characters' lives, skipping the mundane details of everyday existence. The goal is to create a gameplay experience that resembles a gripping novel or a well-paced TV show. To achieve this, we use the terms Epic, Story, Scene, and Moment to capture the essence of significant events without delving too deeply into timekeeping minutiae. This approach allows us to focus on the most compelling aspects of the game, keeping the momentum and immersion at its peak.


An Season refers to a grand narrative encompassing a collection of interconnected stories, all centered around the same characters, themes, and experiences. Within an Season, multiple Stories unfold, shaping both the world and the characters involved. Just like the legendary tales of Gilgamesh, Beowulf, and The Odyssey, an Season comprises numerous individual stories that come together to provide a comprehensive and cohesive understanding of the events and adventures within its realm.


Within an Season, there are multiple Episodes, each comprising a complete plot with a beginning, middle, and end. These Episodes encapsulate various adventures and quests, such as storming a castle to rescue a noble, exploring haunted tunnels, or unraveling the secrets of a deceased Magister. Each Episode is further divided into Scenes, which contribute to the progressing plot within the group and throughout the world. At the conclusion of each Episode, the characters are given the opportunity to reflect on their experiences, contemplate life, and hopefully undergo personal growth.


Scenes encompass the various settings and events that players encounter and navigate throughout the game. They can range from a battle in a narrow corridor, to attending the wedding of the mayor's son, to engaging in a conversation with your greatest adversary. Scenes can be diverse and multi-faceted, but they are typically categorized into different types:

  • Combat scenes involve intense struggles where life or death hangs in the balance.

  • Social scenes revolve around navigating specific situations, where your actions and words have the power to shape the world around you.

  • Skill scenes require expertise and problem-solving, such as crafting a peculiar artifact or stealthily infiltrating an ancient manor.

  • Paranormal scenes explore the effects of Esoteria and Faith, involving encounters with supernatural creatures and abilities.

  • Reflection scenes provide an opportunity for the party to rest, regroup, and engage in internal discussions about their recent experiences.

It's important to note that very few scenes strictly adhere to a single type, and often blend and evolve as the scene progresses.


A Moment is just what it sounds like, a brief split second in real life. It's the cut of a camera to a person talking, fighting, or doing any 1 action. Moments are used in all types of Scenes.


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