Character Details

Archtypes are intended to provide some framework to a Character's skillset and play style. They are a loose collection of Attributes and Talents that intend to paint part but not all of a Character's picture.

Ranks and Progression

Much like Archetypes, every character has an associated Rank. Ranks are a rough determination of capability in relation to others. At the beginning, all Characters have a rank of 1.

Ranks determine a number of things such as

  • Basic Injury Dice Pools
  • New Talent Costs
  • Attribute Maximums

Below is a list of the Ranks and their details.

RankXP ReqInjury Dice PoolTalent CostsAttribute Maximum
1 - Green0320D10
2 - Freelancer100430D10
3 - Journeyman250440D12
4 - Veteran450550D12
5 - Legendary700550D20


SoldierTrained in combat for a number of years, the Grunt excels at physical combat.D10D4D6D600D6
AcolyteA devout follower of a God, the Acolyte hears and sees all as divine work.D4D6D8D4D60D4
EsoteristThe Esoterist has begun mastering the laws of creation and thus are a force unto themselves.D4D6D6D40D8D4
RuffianRuffians, by their nature, are experts in surviving and getting things done. Nor formal training, just raw street learned skill.D6D6D6D1000D4


The Soldier is used to combat. Whether in the trenches, aboard the high ships, or even in the boxing ring, The Soldier's latent talent lies in the melee, shootout, or in the mud.

  • Attributes
    • Body - D10
    • Mind - D4
    • Spirit - D6
    • Initiative - D6
    • Wealth - D6
  • Starting Injury Tracks
    • Damage - 3D10
    • Strain - 3D4
    • Exhaustion - 3D6
  • Starting Talent Select one
    • Crafting
    • Weapon Expert
    • Grit


A servant of the Gods no matter if they are recognized by their congregation, Acolytes live a life of 2 worlds; the sacred and mundane.

Select a god to follow when choosing this Archetype

  • Attributes
    • Body - D4
    • Mind - D6
    • Spirit - D8
    • Initiative - D4
    • Faith - D6
    • Wealth - D4
  • Starting Injury Tracks
    • Damage - 3D4
    • Strain - 3D6
    • Exhaustion - 3D8
  • Starting Talent Select one
    • Faithful
    • Historian
    • Theologist


They have seen reality for the system it is, and with the right training manipulate it. The Esoterist is a god in flesh, but must maintain the balance between the power they wield and the fragile catalyst that is their body and mind.

  • Attributes
    • Body - D4
    • Mind - D6
    • Spirit - D6
    • Initiative - D4
    • Esoteria - D8
    • Wealth - D4
  • Starting Injury Tracks
    • Damage - 3D4
    • Strain - 3D6
    • Exhaustion - 3D6
  • Starting Talent Select one
    • Magisterial Training
    • Crafting
    • Esoteric Lore


Those who have pursued ambition without formal training often rely on their wits and will to endure. Ruffians come from all sorts, but they are unified by the drive to survive and even thrive in this world.

  • Attributes
    • Body - D6
    • Mind - D6
    • Spirit - D6
    • Initiative - D10
    • Wealth - D4
  • Starting Injury Tracks
    • Damage - 3D6
    • Strain - 3D6
    • Exhaustion - 3D6
  • Starting Talent Select one
    • Fast Talker
    • Cunning Strike
    • Well Connected
    • Stealthy

Talent List

  • General Talents

    • Improve Die : Increase an Attribute Die by 1 step
    • Improve Injury Track : Add 1 Die to an Injury Track of choice
    • Lucky: The touch of fortune seems to favor you at every turn. Spend 3 Potential at any time to reroll a roll, taking either result.
    • Perceptive: Possessing keen insight and observation skills, this character is highly attuned to their surroundings, noticing subtle details and understanding the underlying motives or emotions of others. When spending Potential to notice something, the bonus is doubled.
    • Cross Talent: Learn another Talent from another Archetype. The requirements must be 1 rank lower than your current rank.
  • Soldier Talents

    • Crafting: You may spend a scene to craft tier 1-3 items using a Attribute roll.
    • Weapon Expert : Select a weapon type, when you spend Potential to improve hit rolls on this weapon type, double the bonus. This can be bought multiple times.
    • Grit: you may spend Potential on any Damage track roll
    • Expertise : Required Rank 2 You may spend Potential on Damage after a roll was successful
    • War Master : Required Rank 3 Select a weapon or armor type. Gain a +2 to checks made using it. This can be bought multiple times.
    • Lethality : Required Rank 4 On Attack rolls, reroll 1s
    • Natural Athlete: Innately gifted with physical prowess and coordination, this character excels in athletic endeavors and effortlessly masters various physical skills. Potential spent provides +2 to all rolls for athletic tests
  • Acolyte Talents

    • Faithful: You may use your Faith Die to pray and collect Power from your God for use in Miracles
    • Historian: When you spend Potential to learn something in the past, double the bonus
    • Theologist When you spend Potential to learn something about the Gods, double the bonus
    • Studied(Subject): Select a Subject, when you spend Potential to learn something about it double the bonus.
    • Compel: Required Rank 3, Faithful Declare a rolloff with another Character, spend power and roll Faith dice equal to the Power spent. If you win the Rolloff, they must Suffer or be compelled to listen to your 1 command.
    • Ordained: Required Rank 2 You are an Ordained member of your congregation. Please denote your role is based on your god. Enjoy the connections and requirements the sacrament has provided.
  • Esoterist Talents

    • Magisterial Training: You may use your Esoteria Die to cast spells.
    • Crafting: You may spend a scene to craft tier 1-3 items using a Attribute roll.
    • Esoteric Lore: When you spend Potential to learn something about Esoteria, double the bonus
    • Studied(Subject) Select a Subject, when you spend Potential to learn something about it double the bonus.
    • Enchanter: Required Rank 3, Crafting You may craft tier 4-5 items during a scene.
    • Ritualist : Required Rank 3, Magisterial Training Cast spells with a coven or circle of Magi. Unlocks scene long spells to be used as needed.
    • Formal Magister: You have taken the Rainment of the Firth Seal and become a Magister. You have connections all over, but enemies as well. Take your staff and prepare.
  • Ruffian Talents

    • Fast Talker: When you spend Potential to persuade or lie, double the bonus
    • Cunning Strike: If you have more than 5 Initative than your opponent, double the Outpacing bonus
    • Well Connected: Spend Potential to manufacture a contact as needed. The Director will set cost during the scene, but 3 is normal.
    • Stealthy: When you spend Potential to sneak or hide, double the bonus
    • Blitz: You may spend Potential on Initiative Rolls

Trait List

Traits function as the "extra" pieces of a character, often rounding out their personality and playstyle. Actors may have any number of traits as they play, but they begin with 4 at character creation.

  • Background Traits

    • Noble Birth: Born into a prestigious and influential noble family in Tellus, you have grown up with privilege, wealth, and connections.
    • Street Urchin: Raised in the bustling and impoverished streets of Tellus, you have learned to survive through cunning, resourcefulness, and adaptability.
    • Mercenary: With a history of fighting for coin, you have honed your combat skills and developed a keen sense of survival, taking on contracts and dangerous missions.
    • Artisan: Your exceptional craftsmanship and creativity have made you a respected artisan in Tellus, known for your ability to create exquisite works of art or functional objects.
    • Outlander: Having grown up in the wilderness or distant lands, you possess a deep connection to nature and possess survival skills that set you apart from city dwellers.
    • Criminal: A life of crime and deception has shaped your background, and you have become skilled in various illicit activities such as burglary, smuggling, or even assassination.
    • Priest/Religious Acolyte: Devoted to a specific faith or deity, you have undergone rigorous religious training and serve as a conduit between the divine and mortal realms.
    • Explorer: Driven by curiosity and a thirst for adventure, you have embarked on countless expeditions to uncover hidden treasures, ancient ruins, and forgotten knowledge.
    • Laborer: Working in various manual labor roles, you have experienced the hardships and challenges faced by the common folk of Tellus, developing strength, resilience, and practical skills.
    • Trader: Immersed in the bustling markets of Tellus, you have become a skilled merchant, adept at negotiation, assessing market trends, and making profitable deals.
    • Exiled Royalty: Once a member of the ruling family in Tellus, you have been exiled for political reasons, now seeking to reclaim your rightful place and regain honor.
    • Spy/Infiltrator: Trained in the art of espionage and deception, you operate in the shadows, gathering information, and manipulating events for your own or your employer's gain.
    • Soldier/Veteran: Having served in Tellus' military forces, you have been through battles, wars, and campaigns, gaining combat experience and a strong sense of duty.
    • Healer/Medic: With a natural talent for tending to wounds and curing ailments, you have studied the art of healing, providing aid and solace to the sick and injured.
    • Murkborn: Born from mothers consumed by the Murk, Murkborn children bear the physical marks of their tragic origin. Their ashen skin, pale hair, and eyes devoid of pupils mark them as outcasts, shunned by society and often targeted for their perceived connection to the Murk. Despite the hardships they face, Murkborn individuals possess a resilience and unique perspective shaped by their haunting heritage.
  • Physical Traits

    • Strong: This character possesses exceptional physical strength, capable of exerting great force and overpowering others effortlessly.
    • Huge: Towering in size, this character commands attention with their massive stature, often intimidating or dominating those around them.
    • Pretty: With attractive features and a pleasing appearance, this character effortlessly captures the attention and admiration of others.
    • Very Pretty: This character's beauty is striking and captivating, drawing attention wherever they go and leaving a lasting impression on those they encounter.
    • Natural Learner: Quick to absorb knowledge and skills, this character has a natural aptitude for learning, making them a fast learner and adaptable in various situations.
    • Fast Thinking: Blessed with exceptional mental agility and quick reflexes, this character processes information rapidly and is adept at making swift decisions.
    • Weak: Lacking physical strength and struggling with physical tasks, this character may find themselves easily overpowered or at a disadvantage in physical confrontations.
    • Frail: Physically delicate and easily susceptible to illness or injury, this character's constitution is delicate, requiring special care and attention to maintain their well-being.
    • Ugly: Unfortunate in their physical appearance, this character possesses unattractive features or unconventional aesthetics that may result in social challenges or judgments.
    • Hideous: Extremely repulsive in appearance, this character's visage is grotesque and unsettling, causing others to recoil or react with fear and revulsion.
    • Sickly: Prone to frequent illness and weakened by poor health, this character's constitution is fragile, often requiring extra care and precautions to maintain their well-being.
    • Slow to Learn: Struggling with the acquisition of new knowledge or skills, this character requires more time and effort to grasp concepts or improve their abilities.
    • Clumsy: Prone to awkwardness and lack of coordination, this character often experiences mishaps or accidents due to their ineptitude in physical movements.
    • Unlucky: Misfortune follows you like a shadow, as if a dark cloud hovers above. From minor mishaps to major setbacks, you seem to attract unfortunate events and find yourself caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, making success a constant struggle.
    • Chronic Illness: You have been afflicted with a chronic illness or debilitating condition, which has impacted your physical abilities and overall quality of life. Managing the daily challenges and limitations of your condition has become an integral part of your existence.
    • Amputee: You have lost a limb, whether in a tragic accident, during a battle, or due to an illness. Despite the physical challenges and adjustments you've had to make, you have persevered and adapted, developing a remarkable resilience and determination to overcome obstacles.
    • Missing Eye: One of your eyes is absent, either due to injury, disease, or a congenital condition. This loss has affected your depth perception and visual field, but it has also sharpened your other senses and granted you a unique perspective on the world, making you resourceful and attentive to details others may overlook.
  • Character Traits

    • Generous: Inherently inclined towards giving and sharing, this character readily offers assistance, resources, or acts of kindness to those in need, embodying a spirit of generosity.
    • Amoral: Lacking a moral compass or ethical considerations, this character operates without adherence to traditional notions of right and wrong, making decisions solely based on self-interest or personal gain.
    • Weak-Willed: Easily swayed or manipulated, this character lacks strong determination or the ability to resist external influences, making them vulnerable to persuasion or coercion.
    • Aggressive: This character is prone to assertiveness and a proactive approach, often exhibiting a strong drive to take charge and confront challenges head-on.
    • Benevolent: Guided by kindness and goodwill, this character demonstrates a genuine desire to help others and make a positive impact, often seeking opportunities for acts of compassion and generosity.
    • Duty Bound: Committed to fulfilling their obligations and responsibilities, this character adheres to a strong sense of duty and honor, often placing the needs of others or a specific cause above their own.
    • Abrasive: Often brusque or harsh in demeanor, this character's interactions can be rough or confrontational, unintentionally alienating others with their direct and abrasive communication style.
    • Malevolent: Driven by a desire to cause harm or suffering, this character harbors malicious intent, finding pleasure or satisfaction in the misfortune or pain of others.
    • Uncouth: Displaying a lack of refinement or social grace, this character's behavior and manners may be considered crude or inappropriate in polite company, often resulting in social awkwardness.
    • Cowardly: Prone to fear and timidity, this character is easily intimidated or overwhelmed by danger or challenging situations, often avoiding confrontation or taking risks.
    • Cruel: Delighting in the infliction of pain or suffering, this character shows a deliberate and malicious intent to harm others, reveling in acts of cruelty and sadism.
    • Melancholic: In a perpetual state of sadness or gloom, this character possesses a somber and introspective nature, often experiencing deep emotional turmoil and introspection.
    • Greedy: Consumed by an insatiable desire for wealth, possessions, or power, this character is driven by their relentless pursuit of personal gain, often at the expense of others.
    • Hedonistic: Driven by the pursuit of pleasure and sensory gratification, this character prioritizes their own immediate enjoyment and indulgence above all else.
    • Impulsive: Acting without forethought or consideration, this character often makes rash decisions based on their immediate desires or emotions, frequently disregarding potential consequences.
    • Naive: Innocent and lacking worldly experience, this character possesses a childlike trust and belief in the goodness of others, often easily manipulated or deceived due to their lack of skepticism.
    • Courageous: Fearless in the face of danger or adversity, this character exhibits bravery and determination, willingly taking risks to protect others or pursue their goals.
  • Experience Traits

    • Surrounded by Friends: The company of loyal companions constantly surrounds this character, fostering a supportive and trustworthy network that provides strength and assistance.
    • Surrounded by Enemies: This character attracts animosity and is constantly beset by adversaries or individuals who seek to harm or undermine them.
    • Loss of Loved Ones: You have experienced the pain of losing someone dear to you, be it family, friends, or a significant other. The void left by their absence has left a lasting impact on your emotional well-being.
    • Imprisonment: At some point in your life, you were unjustly incarcerated or held captive, enduring the harsh conditions of confinement and the loss of freedom. The experience may have left you with deep-seated trauma and a constant fear of confinement.
    • Betrayal: Someone you once trusted deeply turned against you, betraying your trust and causing significant emotional and possibly physical harm. This betrayal has made you wary of forming close relationships and has instilled a sense of caution in your interactions with others.
    • Displacement: Due to war, natural disaster, or other unfortunate circumstances, you were forcibly displaced from your home and community. You had to leave behind everything familiar, facing the challenges of starting anew in an unfamiliar environment.
    • Addiction: You have struggled with addiction, be it to substances, gambling, or other vices. This dependency has had detrimental effects on your personal relationships, physical health, and overall well-being, creating a constant battle to break free from its grip.
    • Poverty: Growing up in or experiencing extreme poverty has left you with a constant struggle for basic necessities and a lack of opportunities. You have had to endure hardships and find ways to survive in a society that often overlooks those in need.
    • Discrimination: You have faced discrimination and prejudice due to your race, ethnicity, gender, or other aspects of your identity. This constant marginalization has led to feelings of anger, frustration, and a desire for equality and justice.
    • War Trauma: You have been directly or indirectly affected by the horrors of war, witnessing violence, loss, and destruction. The experiences have left deep emotional scars, leading to post-traumatic stress and a constant struggle to find peace and stability.
    • Exploitation: You have been subjected to exploitation and abuse, whether it be in the form of forced labor, human trafficking, or other forms of mistreatment. These experiences have left you with feelings of vulnerability, mistrust, and a determination to fight against injustice.
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