Faith and Gods of Tellus

  • The Charred One: This deity represents death, fire, hatred, fear, and pain. Their followers seek the destruction and unmaking of all creation, employing manipulation, intrigue, and acts of destruction to fulfill their goals. They find solace in the burned-out cities and ruins, spreading their mad god's will.

  • Tursakkaanen: Focused on fate, power, cold, life, and death, the Tursakkaanen emphasize embracing the currents of life and the wisdom offered by their gods. Listeners, their followers, reach beyond the present moment to connect with ancient chants and words, becoming vessels of fate.

  • Makru: Revered as the patron deity in many cities, Makru embodies power, life, law, creation, and unity. The followers of Makru are diligent, community-focused individuals who value justice and unification. They are staunch opponents of the Charred One, seeking to protect and preserve Makru's great works.

  • Xelas: Representing knowledge, power, creation, light, and unity, Xelas is the younger sibling of Makru. Xelas's followers are characterized by their pursuit of knowledge and inspiration, welcomed in most cities as wise men and advisors. They hold sacred rituals and engage in the accumulation of knowledge, guided by their god.

  • Larantas: Known as the Great Tree, Larantas is associated with life, creation, light, earth, and death. The Annirad tribe considers it their living god, and the protectors of the Elder Forest safeguard it. Followers of Larantas undertake pilgrimages to be baptized in its nectar, and their faith is tied to the changing seasons.

  • The Penitent Choir: Formed from the remnants of the Church of Le Vides after the The Black Day, the Penitent Choir focuses on life, unity, peace, law, and fate. They believe in atoning for mankind's sins through acts of love and suffering, championing the cause of the neglected and vulnerable.

  • Apatur: Embracing power, death, knowledge, hate, and law, Apatur's followers perceive war as essential for progress and growth. They revere conflict as a means of domination and advancement, dedicating themselves to fueling and perpetuating wars.

The Charred One


  • All shall be consumed by fire, but the last shall be the arsonists.

  • Death is not to be feared but embraced; it is a gift granted to the weak, an escape from the dying world.

  • Destruction holds an inherent beauty, an exquisite form of expression.

**Holy Days

  • The Red Day - May 6th: Commemorating the anniversary of the devastating Gavo firestorm and the birth of their god.

  • Herald's Day - August 31st: Observing the anniversary of The Black Day, a significant event in their history.

  • The period between The Red Day and Herald's Day is known as Brenndauer, a time when the followers of the Charred One are called to be most active, stoking the flames of their mad pursuit.

No grand temples stand in honor of the Charred One, nor do intentional monuments proclaim their existence. Their monuments are the scorched remnants of cities, and their temples lie within the ruins left by others. In the aftermath of the Great War, those who survived faced a choice: to rebuild or to revel in the ashes of what once stood.

The birth of the Charred One came from the desolation of Gavo, a city ravaged by a cataclysmic firestorm in the year 3 BBD. It emerged silently, calling out to those filled with grief, trauma, and madness.

Followers of the Charred One encounter no tolerance for their beliefs within established cities or towns. Instead, they gather in abandoned places, congregating in the shadows before spreading to the farthest reaches of Tellus to fulfill the will of their deranged deity.

The Charred believe in the ultimate unmaking of all creation, and they employ any means necessary to bring about its destruction. Through manipulation, intrigue, assassination, and incitement of unrest, they seek to ignite the world in chaos. They take particular pleasure in obliterating ancient structures and monuments, for in their destruction, not only the present is ruined but also all potential futures are erased.

The Burning Congregation

Followers of the Charred One operate in a clandestine and covert manner, reminiscent of terroristic cells or cults. They are driven by their dark devotion to destruction, chaos, and the ultimate annihilation of all creation. Their actions are marked by ruthlessness, secrecy, and a willingness to employ any means necessary to further their cause.

Acting as agents of terror, the followers of the Charred One execute acts of violence, sabotage, and manipulation to sow fear and chaos within society. They target symbols of stability, authority, and ancient structures, relishing in the destruction that erases not only the present but also all potential futures. Their acts range from arson and assassination to incitement of unrest and manipulation of power dynamics.

Recruitment of new members is a delicate and secretive process. The followers of the Charred One seek out individuals who exhibit signs of grief, trauma, and madness, drawing them towards the allure of the destructive deity. They identify those disillusioned with the established order, seeking purpose and an outlet for their deep-seated pain. Through subtle manipulation, the followers gradually expose these individuals to the ideologies and rituals of the Charred One, enticing them with promises of power, release from fear, and the ecstasy of destruction.

Recruitment efforts primarily occur in abandoned places and hidden gatherings, away from the prying eyes of society. Potential recruits are approached individually, tested for their resilience, and gradually introduced to the twisted beliefs and practices of the cult. The followers of the Charred One exploit their vulnerabilities, amplifying their fears and anguishes, ultimately offering them a sense of purpose and belonging within the cult's dark embrace.

The recruitment process involves indoctrination through rituals, rites, and teachings that reinforce the notions of destruction, chaos, and the beauty found in annihilation. New members are gradually initiated into the cult's inner circle, where they are assigned mentors to guide them in the dark arts, imparting knowledge of fire manipulation, subterfuge, and the secrets of the Charred One's doctrines.

Trust and loyalty are paramount among the followers, as betrayal is met with severe consequences. The cult operates with strict secrecy, ensuring that their activities remain hidden from the eyes of authority. Members communicate through encrypted channels and secret symbols, using coded language to avoid detection. This secretive nature ensures that the followers remain elusive, striking fear into the hearts of those who would stand against them.

Ranks of The Charred

Infernal Chosen: At the pinnacle of the hierarchy, the Infernal Chosen are the supreme leaders and enigmatic figures of the Charred One's followers. These individuals have undergone a transformation granted by the Charred One, their forms altered by the consuming flames of their devotion. They are shrouded in charred armor, their bodies bearing burning scars and their eyes glowing with an eerie fiery light. The Infernal Chosen possess immense knowledge of the Charred One's rituals and doctrines and wield great influence over the cult-like cells operating under their command.

Flamebranders: The Flamebranders are the trusted lieutenants of the Infernal Chosen, chosen for their exceptional commitment to the cause and their mastery of destructive arts. These fanatical zealots have undergone a lesser transformation, their bodies partially consumed by fire, leaving them with charred skin and smoldering appendages. They are responsible for organizing and leading small cells of followers, executing acts of destruction, and spreading fear and chaos in the name of the Charred One.

Ashmancers: The Ashmancers are the initiates who have proved their dedication and willingness to embrace the Charred One's destructive path. They are skilled practitioners of dark arts and wielders of flame. These followers have undergone a transformative process that manifests as smoky tendrils coiling around their limbs, granting them a heightened resistance to fire and the ability to summon and manipulate flames. Ashmancers are responsible for recruiting new members, conducting rituals, and performing acts of terror and destruction.

Embersworn: Embersworn are the foot soldiers and frontline warriors of the Charred One's followers. They have pledged their lives to the cause and receive minor physical alterations, such as scorch marks on their flesh and eyes glowing with a faint fiery aura. Embersworn carry out acts of violence and sabotage, spreading the flames of destruction wherever they go. They serve as the muscle and enforcers within the cells, ensuring obedience and punishing any signs of wavering loyalty.

Flamebound: The Flamebound are the lowest ranks of the Charred One's followers. They have recently joined the cult and have yet to undergo significant transformations. However, their devotion to the Charred One is unquestionable, and they strive to prove their loyalty and ascend the ranks. Flamebound are tasked with gathering information, reconnaissance, and recruitment of potential followers. They are the entry point into the cult-like cells and are closely monitored by higher-ranking members.


Betrayal of Secrets: Revealing the hidden rituals, doctrines, or identities of fellow cult members or the inner workings of the Charred One's operations to outsiders is considered a grave transgression. It undermines the cult's secrecy and puts its members at risk.

Failure to Execute Destructive Acts: Followers of the Charred One are expected to actively contribute to the cause of destruction and chaos. Failing to carry out assigned acts of violence, sabotage, or manipulation is seen as a betrayal of their commitment to the deity and his teachings.

Sympathy for Preservation: Showing empathy or compassion towards the preservation of life, stability, or ancient structures contradicts the fundamental beliefs of the cult. Any expression of sentiment or reluctance towards embracing the annihilation and eradication advocated by the Charred One is seen as a serious transgression.

Disobedience to Superiors: Defying the commands or orders given by higher-ranking members within the cult hierarchy is considered a transgression. The followers of the Charred One operate with a strict chain of command, and any act of disobedience disrupts the unity and effectiveness of their destructive efforts.

Collaboration with Opposing Forces: Engaging in alliances, collaborations, or cooperations with individuals or groups that are actively opposing or obstructing the goals of the Charred One is seen as a betrayal. The cult expects absolute loyalty and allegiance to its cause, leaving no room for compromise or cooperation with those who stand against them.

Doubt or Questioning: Expressing doubt or questioning the teachings, ideologies, or actions of the Charred One is viewed as a transgression against the cult's core beliefs. Followers are expected to have unwavering faith and conviction in the path of destruction and chaos set forth by their deity.

Failure to Initiate New Recruits: Each member of the cult is entrusted with the task of recruiting and expanding their ranks. Failing to actively seek out and initiate new followers is considered a transgression. It hinders the growth and influence of the cult, impeding its ability to further the cause of destruction and spread chaos.

Revealing Personal Weaknesses: Sharing personal vulnerabilities or weaknesses with outsiders or fellow cult members is seen as a transgression against the cult's ethos. Followers are expected to present a unified front, projecting strength, and embracing the power that comes from the destruction they seek.


Atonement for transgressions within the cult of the Charred One is a complex and arduous process, as the deity and his followers embrace destruction and chaos rather than traditional notions of repentance. However, there are some ways in which a follower can seek to regain favor and mitigate the consequences of their transgressions:

Offering Greater Destruction: One way to atone is to demonstrate an intensified commitment to the cause of destruction and chaos. The follower must engage in acts of unparalleled devastation, surpassing their previous actions and proving their dedication to the Charred One's principles. By causing widespread mayhem and furthering the cult's goals, they can strive to redeem themselves.

Sacrificial Rituals: Followers can partake in sacrificial rituals where they offer something significant to appease the Charred One and seek forgiveness. This might involve sacrificing a cherished possession, enduring physical pain, or even offering the lives of others to demonstrate their devotion and willingness to make amends.

Undertaking a Trial by Fire: A follower seeking atonement may undergo a trial by fire, a grueling test of their loyalty and commitment. This could involve enduring physical or psychological challenges, walking through flames, or subjecting themselves to extreme environments or situations associated with fire and destruction. Success in the trial signifies purification and potential forgiveness.

Completing a Mission of Destruction: The follower can be assigned a specific mission or task by the cult's leadership, designed to showcase their renewed dedication and loyalty. By successfully executing this mission, causing significant destruction or sowing chaos, they can demonstrate their remorse and willingness to make amends for their transgressions.

Reaffirming Allegiance through Rituals: Participating in intense and elaborate rituals can serve as acts of atonement. These rituals may involve self-flagellation, enduring pain or hardship, or engaging in acts symbolizing destruction and rebirth. Through these rituals, the follower reinforces their commitment to the Charred One and seeks purification from their past failures.

It's important to note that forgiveness within the cult of the Charred One is not easily granted. Atonement is a demanding and ongoing process that requires extreme dedication, unwavering loyalty, and a continuous pursuit of destruction. Even if a follower manages to atone for their transgressions, the memory of their past actions may linger, and they may always be viewed with caution and scrutiny by their fellow cult members.

The Tursakkaanen


  • The world is indifferent, neither cruel nor wonderful. It simply exists, as do we.

  • As humans, we are beings designed to experience. We are rewarded with pleasure and punished with pain.

  • The wind carries no bias; it is driven by the currents of the world.

Holy Days

  • Red Sunsets: A sacred phenomenon for the Listeners, during which they may hear the whispers of their gods.

  • Long Twilight - December: In the Northern regions, this time of year is enveloped in near-constant darkness. It becomes an opportunity for the holy men to ascend the Mountain and attain new wisdom while their gods awaken.

Far to the North, the Tursakkaanen observe the world from their perch atop Mount Avrenthorn. They uphold an ancient system of laws and rituals passed down by the shamans and holy seers of the icy steppe.

While they do not actively interfere in the affairs of mankind, they exert influence upon those who are willing to listen to their timeless wisdom. Pilgrims who embark upon the arduous journey to the summit of the towering mountains may experience the resounding voices of the Nine echoing within their minds. The words are spoken slowly, spanning years to complete.

The followers of the Tursakkaanen, known as the Listeners, choose to surrender themselves to the currents of fate and the guidance of their own thoughts. They extend their consciousness beyond the present moment, immersing themselves in the ancient chants and sacred utterances of their deities. This communion allows them to become vessels of fate. A Listener often finds themselves in precisely the right place at the right time, although they may endure suffering as a consequence of their serendipity.

The Listeners are generally welcomed but met with some distrust among people from various corners of the world. Their tendency to also embody the roles of vagabonds, thieves, or humble individuals relegates them to the lower echelons of society within urban areas.

The Listeners

The followers of the Tursakkaanen, known as the Listeners, operate with a sense of purpose and devotion deeply rooted in their guiding principles. They perceive the world as an indifferent entity and believe in surrendering themselves to the currents of fate. The Listeners act with a certain level of detachment, recognizing that pleasure and pain are inherent aspects of human existence.

The Listeners lead a nomadic lifestyle, wandering through various lands and rarely gathering outside of Suomi Lands. They can often be seen working closely with tribal leaders in the northern regions, forging alliances and offering their unique insights. However, in other parts of the world, the Listeners may appear as vagabonds, blending into the lower echelons of society.

Recruitment of new members into the Tursakkaanen is an organic process driven by personal experiences and revelations. Potential recruits are often individuals who have shown a proclivity for seeking deeper truths and contemplating the workings of the world. They may encounter Listeners during their own journeys or chance encounters, where the Listeners share their timeless wisdom and insights. Those who resonate with the philosophy and beliefs of the Tursakkaanen may choose to join their ranks voluntarily.

The Listeners value introspection and self-discovery, encouraging new members to embark on personal quests and pilgrimages to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and the world. They believe in the power of experience and direct revelation, as well as the resounding voices of the Nine that echo within the minds of the faithful. Listeners may guide and mentor new members, helping them navigate the complexities of their newfound spiritual path.

The Listeners prioritize the preservation of their ancient laws, rituals, and wisdom. They rely on oral traditions and sacred chants passed down through generations, keeping their beliefs alive through the recitation of ancient texts and the performance of rituals. Listeners engage in deep communion with their deities, seeking guidance and enlightenment from the voices that resonate within them.

Overall, the Listeners operate with a sense of humility, embracing their role as vessels of fate. They strive to live in harmony with the world and its natural rhythms, while offering their wisdom and guidance to those who are open to receiving it. The actions of the Listeners are guided by their unique understanding of the interconnectedness of fate, power, cold, life, and death, and their desire to navigate the currents of existence with grace and insight.

The 5 Ranks of Nine

Elder Seers: The Elder Seers are the highest-ranking individuals within the Tursakkaanen hierarchy. They are the most experienced and wise Listeners who have spent a lifetime communing with the Nine and receiving their timeless wisdom. Elder Seers are revered as the ultimate authorities and spiritual leaders among the Listeners.

Tribal Liaisons: These are Listeners who have earned the trust and respect of the tribal leaders in the northern regions where the Tursakkaanen frequently operate. They act as intermediaries between the Listeners and the tribal communities, facilitating cooperation and mutual understanding. Tribal Liaisons often possess deep knowledge of tribal customs, rituals, and traditions, serving as a bridge between the Tursakkaanen and the indigenous people.

Sacred Scribes: The Sacred Scribes are skilled individuals among the Listeners who possess the ability to transcribe and interpret the sacred chants, rituals, and prophecies of the Tursakkaanen. They meticulously record the ancient wisdom bestowed upon them by the Nine and ensure the preservation of their sacred texts. Sacred Scribes play a crucial role in maintaining the collective knowledge and spiritual traditions of the Listeners.

Ritual Guardians: Ritual Guardians are entrusted with the responsibility of safeguarding the sacred rituals, artifacts, and places of worship of the Tursakkaanen. They are skilled in the intricacies of the ritualistic practices and act as protectors of the Listeners' spiritual heritage. Ritual Guardians are also responsible for conducting ceremonies, guiding the faithful, and maintaining the sanctity of the sacred sites.

Seekers of Fate: Seekers of Fate are Listeners who have embarked on a personal journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. They undertake arduous quests and pilgrimages to distant lands, seeking to expand their understanding of the world and strengthen their connection with the Nine. Seekers of Fate often bear distinctive ritualistic tattoos, each with a unique name symbolizing their personal quest or revelation. These tattoos serve as marks of distinction and recognition within the hierarchy.

It is worth noting that the hierarchy within the Tursakkaanen is fluid and flexible due to their wandering nature and decentralized structure. Authority and influence are often earned through wisdom, experience, and the respect garnered from both the Listeners themselves and the tribal communities with whom they interact. The ritualistic tattoos carried by the Seekers of Fate serve as visual indicators of their station and accomplishments within the hierarchy, symbolizing their spiritual growth and journey toward enlightenment.


Disregarding the Sacred Chants: The Tursakkaanen place great importance on their ancient chants and sacred texts. A follower who deliberately disregards or disrespects these sacred rituals and fails to participate in the communal recitation of the chants commits a significant transgression. Rejecting the Guidance of the Nine: The Nine voices that echo within the minds of the Listeners are considered a divine gift and a source of profound wisdom. A follower who intentionally ignores or rejects the guidance and insights offered by these voices goes against the core principles of the Tursakkaanen and commits a transgression.

Acting Against the Natural Order: The Tursakkaanen hold a deep reverence for the natural world and the interconnectedness of all beings. A follower who deliberately engages in actions that disrupt or harm the delicate balance of nature, such as wanton destruction of flora or fauna or exploitation of natural resources without regard for sustainability, commits a transgression against the teachings of the Tursakkaanen.

Betraying the Trust of Fellow Listeners: The Listeners form a tight-knit community built on trust and shared experiences. A follower who intentionally betrays the trust of their fellow Listeners, engages in deceit, or reveals sacred knowledge to those outside the faith commits a serious transgression that undermines the unity and integrity of the Tursakkaanen.

Refusing Personal Growth and Self-Reflection: The Tursakkaanen emphasize personal introspection and the pursuit of self-discovery. A follower who stubbornly resists personal growth, fails to engage in self-reflection, or rejects opportunities for spiritual development and understanding commits a transgression against the principles of the Tursakkaanen.

Disrupting Sacred Ceremonies or Rituals: The Tursakkaanen hold their ceremonies and rituals as sacred and integral to their faith. A follower who intentionally disrupts or disrespects these ceremonies, whether through interruption, mockery, or inappropriate behavior, commits a transgression that dishonors the traditions and beliefs of the Tursakkaanen.

Failing to Uphold the Values of Serenity and Detachment: The Tursakkaanen believe in embracing the world with serenity and accepting the currents of fate. A follower who consistently acts with anger, aggression, or seeks personal gain at the expense of others violates the values of the Tursakkaanen and commits a transgression against the peaceful and detached nature they strive to embody.

It is important to note that the Tursakkaanen view transgressions as opportunities for growth and redemption. They believe in the power of self-reflection, repentance, and seeking forgiveness from the Nine and the community of Listeners. A follower who recognizes their transgressions, seeks atonement, and actively works towards rectifying their actions can find a path to redemption within the faith of the Tursakkaanen.


A follower of the Tursakkaanen can atone for their transgressions through a process of repentance and self-reflection. Here are some ways in which they can seek atonement:

Acknowledgment and Acceptance: The follower must acknowledge their transgressions and accept responsibility for their actions. This requires honest self-reflection and a genuine understanding of the impact their actions have had on themselves and others.

Repentance and Regret: The follower should express genuine remorse for their transgressions and show a deep desire to change their ways. This involves a sincere commitment to making amends and seeking forgiveness from those they have wronged.

Seeking Guidance and Counsel: It is important for the follower to seek guidance from the Nine and the respected elders or shamans within the Tursakkaanen community. They can provide spiritual counsel, offer guidance on the path to redemption, and help the follower understand the lessons to be learned from their transgressions.

Self-Reflection and Personal Growth: The follower should engage in deep self-reflection to identify the root causes of their transgressions and work on addressing those underlying issues. This may involve introspection, meditation, and embracing the teachings and practices of the Tursakkaanen to foster personal growth and transformation.

Restitution and Reconciliation: Depending on the nature of the transgression, the follower may need to make amends or provide restitution to those affected. This can be done through sincere apologies, acts of kindness, or efforts to repair the damage caused. Rebuilding trust and fostering reconciliation with the community is an essential step towards atonement.

Renewed Dedication and Service: To atone for their transgressions, the follower should demonstrate a renewed commitment to the values and principles of the Tursakkaanen. This involves actively engaging in acts of service, promoting harmony and balance in the natural world, and striving to embody the teachings of fate, power, cold, life, and death.

Integration and Redemption: Atonement is a continuous process, and the follower must integrate their lessons and growth into their daily life. By living in accordance with the teachings of the Tursakkaanen and consistently demonstrating positive change, the follower can find redemption and restore their standing within the Tursakkaanen community.

It should be noted that the specific rituals and practices of atonement may vary within different sects or tribes of the Tursakkaanen. The guidance and support of spiritual leaders and the acceptance of the community are crucial factors in the journey of atonement for a follower of the Tursakkaanen.


Creeds We are the architects of our own reality. The force of will propels us towards our destinies.

We cannot allow defiance of fate or the disruption of the natural order.

As craftsmen, we must continually seek new tools to shape and manifest our will.

Holy Days Hammermass - April 14th: This significant week of creation culminates in a celebratory display of the achievements accomplished during that period. The festivities include vibrant parades and showcases of inventive creations.

Recitation Day - November 5th: On this day, followers and citizens, either voluntarily or as mandated, publicly recite their oaths of loyalty to their lords and masters.

Makru, the Eldest of the Twin Brothers, stands as the builder of the timeless Towers in which his sibling Xelas resides. Renowned as an eminent architect and bestower of laws, he assumes the role of a patron deity in numerous cities. Many princes and kings trace their rights to rule back to a pivotal event known as the Dictate of Makru, where it is said that he granted the right to govern to twelve adventurers, whose descendants now hold sway over much of the world.

Temples dedicated to Makru abound, meticulously crafted by the priests and followers themselves. Their affinity for using stone as a symbol of power extends to the construction of castles and bunkers, each adorned with an icon representing Makru upon its walls.

The followers of Makru are renowned for their unwavering diligence and their unwavering commitment to the collective welfare of their communities. While Makru is not known for mercy, he strongly upholds justice and the unification of peoples.

Makru stands as the great adversary of the Charred One, who seeks to reduce the magnificent works of Makru to ruin. Consequently, Makru's faithful actively seek out and crush any groups aligned with the New God.

The WallKeepers

Followers of Makru operate with a sense of purpose, discipline, and devotion to their god. They view themselves as builders and defenders of order, seeking to bring harmony and structure to the world. Their actions are guided by the principles of power, life, law, creation, and unity.

Operation: Makru's followers actively engage in the construction and maintenance of sacred structures, such as temples, shrines, and monuments dedicated to their god. They meticulously plan and execute architectural projects with precision, showcasing their craftsmanship and embodying the divine order they revere. Followers may also involve themselves in urban planning, infrastructure development, and other endeavors that contribute to the organization and development of cities.

Conduct: Makru's followers uphold a strict code of conduct rooted in discipline, integrity, and obedience to divine laws. They prioritize order, fairness, and justice in their interactions with others. They value harmony and unity within their communities and actively work towards resolving conflicts and promoting cooperation. Followers of Makru often assume positions of authority in cities, utilizing their skills and knowledge to govern and maintain societal order.

Recruitment: The recruitment of new members into the faith of Makru focuses on identifying individuals with a natural inclination towards order, craftsmanship, and a desire for structure in their lives. Prospective followers are observed for their commitment to excellence, their adherence to laws and regulations, and their passion for creation. Existing members of the hierarchy, such as Hierarchs of Order or Temple Guardians, often identify and approach potential recruits based on their talents, character, and alignment with Makru's guiding principles.

Recruitment efforts are carried out through personal interactions, where the virtues and benefits of Makru's teachings are highlighted. Prospective followers are invited to participate in religious ceremonies, visit sacred sites, and witness the grandeur of Makru's architectural wonders. They are encouraged to embrace the power of creation, the pursuit of knowledge, and the responsibilities that come with maintaining order in society.

New members are gradually integrated into the community, receiving guidance, mentorship, and instruction in Makru's teachings. They undergo rituals and ceremonies, such as the Sacred Rites of Initiation, where they make solemn vows to uphold the values and principles of Makru. As they progress in their devotion and demonstrate their commitment, they may be assigned specific roles within the church hierarchy or entrusted with important responsibilities related to the construction and maintenance of sacred sites.

The followers of Makru operate as a collective, united by their shared belief in the power of order and creation. They actively seek to expand their influence by promoting Makru's ideals, showcasing their architectural achievements, and fostering an environment where others can experience the benefits of structure, unity, and divine guidance.

Ranks of The Ordered

High Architect: The High Architect holds the highest ecclesiastical position within the church of Makru. They are considered the divine representative of Makru on Earth and serve as the intermediary between the mortal realm and the realm of the divine. The High Architect is responsible for guiding and overseeing the spiritual development of the faithful, interpreting the will of Makru, and ensuring the adherence to sacred laws and rituals.

Council of Sacred Builders: The Council of Sacred Builders is a group of highly esteemed architects and craftsmen who are entrusted with the sacred task of constructing temples, shrines, and other holy structures dedicated to Makru. They possess deep spiritual insight and possess the ability to channel Makru's divine inspiration into their creations. The Council advises the High Architect, preserves the sacred architectural traditions, and oversees the construction and maintenance of sacred sites.

Temple Guardians: The Temple Guardians are devout followers of Makru who have dedicated their lives to the protection and preservation of sacred sites. They are responsible for maintaining the sanctity of the temples, ensuring proper rituals and ceremonies are performed, and safeguarding the sacred artifacts and relics associated with Makru. Temple Guardians serve as spiritual guides for pilgrims and provide assistance to the faithful seeking divine wisdom and blessings.

Hierarchs of Order: The Hierarchs of Order are religious leaders appointed by the High Architect to oversee the spiritual affairs and governance of Makru's followers within cities. They are responsible for upholding the sacred laws and teachings of Makru, resolving disputes, and promoting harmony and unity among the faithful. The Hierarchs work closely with local rulers and authorities to ensure the integration of divine principles into the social and political fabric of the city.

Master Craftsmen: The Master Craftsmen are highly skilled artisans and craftsmen who have been blessed by Makru with exceptional talent and insight into their respective crafts. They dedicate their work to the glory of Makru, creating intricate sacred artifacts, religious symbols, and embellishments for temples and holy spaces. The Master Craftsmen uphold the highest standards of craftsmanship and inspire others through their devotion to Makru's vision of perfection and beauty.

Order of Sentinels: The Order of Sentinels consists of trained warriors and defenders who are entrusted with the task of safeguarding Makru's followers and sacred sites from external threats. They act as the martial arm of the church, ensuring the protection of the faithful, defending the holy places, and upholding the divine justice of Makru. The Sentinels are seen as the embodiment of Makru's strength and unwavering commitment to order and protection.

In the religious hierarchy of Makru, divine authority and spiritual roles take precedence over secular positions. The emphasis is placed on the sacred nature of the work carried out by the followers of Makru, including the construction of holy structures, the preservation of sacred traditions, the guardianship of sacred sites, and the promotion of divine order and unity. The hierarchy ensures that the faithful have guidance, protection, and spiritual nourishment in their journey of devotion to Makru.


Defiance of Divine Law: A follower of Makru commits a transgression by deliberately disobeying or disregarding the laws and regulations set forth by the god. This includes acts of rebellion, insubordination, or actively working against the established order and hierarchy. Destruction of Sacred Structures: Makru's followers hold sacred the buildings and monuments they construct in honor of their god. Any intentional damage, desecration, or destruction of these sacred structures is considered a severe transgression. It undermines the followers' purpose as builders and defenders of order and goes against the principles of creation and unity.

Betrayal of Trust: Makru's followers are entrusted with positions of authority and responsibility within cities and communities. A transgression occurs when a follower abuses this trust, engages in corruption, or manipulates their power for personal gain. Acts of betrayal, such as betraying secrets or turning against fellow devotees, are considered grave transgressions against the principles of unity and integrity.

Chaos and Anarchy: Makru's followers strive to bring order and harmony to the world. Engaging in acts that promote chaos, anarchy, or disrupt the natural order is seen as a transgression. This includes inciting unrest, spreading discord, or actively working against the stability and structure of society. Neglect of Craftsmanship: Makru's followers revere the art of creation and craftsmanship. Neglecting or undermining the pursuit of excellence, disregarding the principles of meticulous planning and execution, or producing subpar work goes against the core values of Makru. It is considered a transgression against the principles of power, life, and creation.

Lack of Unity and Cooperation: Makru's followers emphasize the importance of unity and cooperation within communities. Acts that promote division, prejudice, or hinder the collective welfare are viewed as transgressions. This includes fostering conflicts, discriminating against certain groups, or prioritizing personal interests over the greater good.

Defamation of Makru: Speaking ill of or disrespecting Makru, his teachings, or the sacred rituals and symbols associated with the faith is considered a transgression. Followers are expected to show reverence and uphold the honor of their god, refraining from blasphemous or derogatory speech or actions. It is important to note that transgressions against Makru vary in severity, and the specific consequences or methods of atonement may depend on the individual circumstances, the hierarchy within the faith, and the gravity of the transgression committed.


A follower of Makru can atone for their transgressions through various means, seeking redemption and restoring their connection with the god. The process of atonement in the faith of Makru may include the following:

Acknowledgment and Remorse: The follower must recognize and take full responsibility for their transgressions. They should genuinely feel remorse for their actions and understand the negative impact they had on the principles and values of Makru.

Confession and Repentance: The follower should approach a designated authority within the church hierarchy, such as a high priest or an elder, and confess their transgressions. They should openly express their remorse, seeking guidance and advice on the steps to take for repentance.

Acceptance of Punishment or Penitence: The follower may be required to undergo a prescribed form of punishment or penitence as determined by the religious authority. This could involve tasks, rituals, or acts of service that demonstrate their commitment to making amends for their actions.

Acts of Contrition: The follower is expected to actively demonstrate their change of heart and commitment to Makru's teachings through acts of contrition. This may include acts of service, dedication to craftsmanship, or participation in community-building initiatives that align with the principles of Makru.

Reconciliation and Restoration: Once the follower has shown sincere efforts towards atonement, they may seek reconciliation with those affected by their transgressions. This involves seeking forgiveness from individuals or groups they have wronged, making amends, and working towards rebuilding trust and unity within the community.

Renewed Devotion and Obedience: The follower must recommit themselves to the teachings and principles of Makru, embracing the established order, and actively living in accordance with the divine laws and regulations set forth by the god. They should strive to embody the virtues of power, life, law, creation, and unity in their daily lives.

Personal Growth and Self-Reflection: Atonement involves personal growth and continuous self-reflection. The follower should engage in introspection, seeking to understand the root causes of their transgressions and taking steps to prevent similar mistakes in the future. They should embrace the lessons learned from their past actions and use them as a catalyst for spiritual growth.

It is important to note that the specific process of atonement may vary within different sects or interpretations of the faith of Makru. The involvement of religious authorities and the exact steps of repentance and reconciliation can be influenced by the hierarchy, traditions, and teachings of the respective religious community.



  • Our life's journey is to acquire knowledge to shape the next world.

  • No knowledge is forbidden; even that which may harm humanity in the present can aid them in the future.

  • We serve as guides to those in power, using reason to steer them towards the heart of Xelas.

Holy Days

  • Saturnus - The 2nd week of January: On this day, all followers of Xelas dedicate themselves to silence, focusing on listening and devoted study.

  • Seeking Year - 16 Years Old: While not a specific day, this sacred rite of passage marks the moment when a follower of Xelas ventures into the world to gather new information. Only when they have discovered something of great value are they permitted to return to the temple.

As the Younger of the twin Gods, Xelas resides in his tower, engrossed in contemplation of the next magnificent creation. While his brother Makru focuses on the affairs of this world, Xelas adopts a more hands-off approach, recognizing that the realm of potentialities is better served with a certain distance.

Though Xelas lacks dedicated places of worship, his influence permeates nearly every city, town, and hamlet. As the god of knowledge, his power resides in books, maps, and recorded information. From these sources, new ideas are sparked—ideas that will accompany the souls of humanity upon their passing. Xelas, inquisitive by nature, questions each soul, assimilating their knowledge into his grand collection. Should he be impressed, he may choose to retain the soul within his tower, enlisting their assistance in the pursuit of the Grand Design.

Followers of Xelas are openly embraced in most cities, as people of knowledge and inspiration are esteemed in every corner of the world. Senior priests often serve as wise men or advisors to kings, princes, and generals, their insights shaped by the divine wisdom of Xelas.

The Scrollforgers

Followers of Xelas operate as seekers and purveyors of knowledge, driven by their insatiable curiosity and thirst for understanding. They embody the principles of knowledge, power, creation, light, and unity in their actions and interactions with the world. Here's how they operate, act, and recruit new members:

Knowledge Seekers: Followers of Xelas are lifelong learners who actively seek knowledge through various means. They engage in extensive study, research, and exploration to acquire new insights and expand their understanding of the world. They immerse themselves in books, delve into scientific experiments, explore uncharted territories, and engage in philosophical discussions to gain wisdom and unlock hidden truths.

Intellectual Eccentrics: Xelas tends to attract individuals with eccentricities and unconventional perspectives. Scientists, philosophers, inventors, artists, and scholars often find solace and inspiration in the teachings of Xelas. Their unique approaches to acquiring knowledge and challenging societal norms align with Xelas' belief that all knowledge, even potentially harmful or controversial, contributes to the greater understanding of the world.

Knowledge Sharing: Followers of Xelas actively share their knowledge and insights with others. They write books, deliver lectures, participate in scholarly debates, and engage in intellectual discussions to disseminate their findings and stimulate intellectual growth within their communities. They strive to empower others with the knowledge they have acquired and encourage critical thinking and open-mindedness.

Recruiting New Members: Followers of Xelas recruit new members by actively promoting the pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment. They organize public lectures, seminars, and workshops where they share their wisdom and invite individuals who show a genuine interest in intellectual pursuits. They encourage others to question the world around them, explore new ideas, and join the community of seekers dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of existence.

Embracing Diversity: Xelas' followers embrace diversity and value the multiplicity of perspectives. They actively seek to recruit individuals from different backgrounds, cultures, and disciplines, recognizing that a diverse congregation brings a rich tapestry of knowledge and experiences. They celebrate intellectual diversity and foster an inclusive environment where everyone's contributions are valued.

Enlightened Leadership: Xelas' followers often assume leadership roles in academia, research institutions, and intellectual circles. They become respected scholars, mentors, and advisors who guide others in their quest for knowledge and understanding. Their influence extends beyond the confines of the church, as they shape and contribute to the intellectual and cultural development of society.

Overall, the followers of Xelas operate as a community of intellectual explorers, committed to the acquisition, dissemination, and application of knowledge. They value intellectual curiosity, open-mindedness, and the pursuit of truth, striving to enlighten both themselves and others in their collective journey toward understanding the mysteries of the world.

Ranks of The Knowing

Archivist of Xelas: At the pinnacle of the church hierarchy stands the Archivist, a chosen individual who has demonstrated exceptional knowledge, wisdom, and dedication to the pursuit of enlightenment. The Archivist is believed to have acquired profound knowledge and experience throughout their lifetime, making them worthy of joining Xelas in tending his great library in the afterlife. They are responsible for safeguarding and expanding the divine collection of knowledge.

High Scholars: The High Scholars are revered individuals who have displayed exceptional intellectual prowess and a deep understanding of various fields of knowledge. They are scholars, philosophers, and scientists who have made significant contributions to the accumulation of knowledge. High Scholars often serve as advisors to the Archivist and play a vital role in guiding the direction of the church and disseminating knowledge to the followers.

Ecclesiarchs: Ecclesiarchs are respected priests who act as intermediaries between Xelas and the followers. They possess a deep understanding of the teachings and philosophies of Xelas and play a crucial role in interpreting and imparting divine knowledge to the congregation. They lead religious ceremonies, perform rituals, and provide guidance to the followers in their quest for enlightenment.

Explorers and Researchers: These individuals are the adventurers, explorers, scientists, and scholars who actively seek out new knowledge and discoveries. They embark on expeditions, conduct experiments, and explore uncharted territories in their pursuit of understanding the world and expanding the pool of knowledge. Their findings and insights are highly valued by the church, as they contribute to the ever-growing collection of knowledge associated with Xelas.

Congregants and Seekers: The followers of Xelas, known as congregants or seekers, are individuals who embrace the principles of knowledge, power, creation, light, and unity. They are encouraged to constantly seek and acquire knowledge through study, research, and contemplation. Congregants vary in their expertise and interests, including scholars, scribes, inventors, artists, and philosophers. They form the backbone of the church and contribute to the collective wisdom of the congregation.

It is important to note that the hierarchy within the church of Xelas is not solely based on social status or authority but rather on the individual's level of intellectual curiosity, dedication to knowledge acquisition, and contribution to the greater understanding of the world. The emphasis is on the pursuit of knowledge and the transformative power it holds, rather than on rigid structures of power or hierarchy.


While followers of Xelas are driven by their quest for knowledge and enlightenment, they are not immune to transgressions. Here is a list of transgressions a follower could make against Xelas:

Suppression of Knowledge: Deliberately concealing or suppressing knowledge goes against the core principles of Xelas. It includes withholding important information, censoring or destroying valuable texts, or preventing others from accessing knowledge that could contribute to their intellectual growth.

Intellectual Arrogance: Displaying arrogance or intellectual superiority over others, belittling their ideas or contributions, and refusing to consider alternative viewpoints is a transgression against the principle of unity and open-mindedness promoted by Xelas.

Misuse of Knowledge: Using knowledge gained through the teachings of Xelas for malicious purposes or causing harm to others contradicts the belief in the responsible and ethical application of knowledge. This includes exploiting knowledge to manipulate or deceive others, engaging in unethical scientific experimentation, or using intellectual superiority to oppress or control.

Intellectual Stagnation: Failing to pursue continuous learning, growth, and exploration of new ideas can be seen as a transgression against the principle of knowledge. Followers are expected to embrace intellectual curiosity and strive for intellectual advancement rather than becoming complacent or stagnant in their understanding.

Disrupting Unity and Collaboration: Engaging in actions that disrupt the unity and collaboration within the community of knowledge seekers goes against the principles of Xelas. This includes spreading misinformation, sowing discord among fellow followers, or undermining collective efforts in the pursuit of knowledge.

Ignorance and Closed-Mindedness: Rejecting or dismissing new knowledge, refusing to consider different perspectives, or displaying a closed-minded approach to intellectual discourse goes against the spirit of Xelas. Followers are expected to remain open to new ideas, challenge their own beliefs, and embrace intellectual growth.

Destruction of Knowledge: Engaging in the deliberate destruction, vandalism, or desecration of valuable texts, artifacts, or intellectual creations is a severe transgression against the principles of Xelas. Preservation and respect for knowledge are integral to the reverence for creation and the pursuit of enlightenment.

It is important to note that Xelas encourages forgiveness and growth, recognizing that individuals may falter on their intellectual journey. The path to atonement lies in acknowledging these transgressions, seeking knowledge and understanding, and actively working towards rectifying past mistakes while fostering a deeper commitment to the principles upheld by Xelas.


A follower of Xelas seeking to atone for their transgressions can undertake several actions to reconcile with their beliefs and seek forgiveness. Here are some ways a follower can atone:

Knowledge Seeker's Reflection: The follower engages in deep self-reflection, examining the transgressions committed and their impact on others and the pursuit of knowledge. They acknowledge their mistakes and take responsibility for their actions.

Seeking Wisdom and Understanding: The follower dedicates themselves to further expanding their knowledge and understanding in the areas related to their transgressions. They actively seek out new perspectives, engage in critical thinking, and study the consequences of their actions.

Sharing Knowledge and Enlightenment: The follower commits to sharing their newfound wisdom and knowledge with others, aiming to educate and uplift those around them. They actively contribute to intellectual discussions, offer guidance to fellow followers, and promote unity and collaboration in the pursuit of knowledge.

Restitution and Reparation: If their transgressions have caused harm or damage, the follower makes efforts to make amends. This can include offering apologies, providing assistance to those affected, or contributing to initiatives that promote the preservation and dissemination of knowledge.

Ritual of Purification: The follower may partake in a ritual of purification or cleansing, symbolizing their desire to purify their soul and renew their commitment to the principles of Xelas. The specific rituals may vary among different groups or communities of followers.

Humility and Gratitude: The follower cultivates a sense of humility, recognizing their fallibility and limitations. They express gratitude for the opportunity to learn from their mistakes and grow as individuals, acknowledging that true wisdom is achieved through humility.

Continuing the Journey: A follower understands that atonement is an ongoing process, not a one-time event. They commit themselves to continued personal growth, remaining vigilant against future transgressions, and remaining steadfast in their pursuit of knowledge, enlightenment, and the principles upheld by Xelas.

It is important to note that the process of atonement may vary among individuals and communities, and the specific actions taken for atonement may be influenced by personal interpretation and cultural practices. Ultimately, the follower's sincere commitment to rectifying their transgressions, fostering intellectual growth, and promoting unity and knowledge will be key to their journey of atonement.



  • Within the nature of mankind lies the essence of war. Through conflict, we forge progress and propel the world forward.

  • To dominate another is to elevate oneself. The physical and mental subjugation of others is the divine right of the strong.

  • A world shaped in darkness will not easily return to the light.

Holy Days

  • Day of Vendril Fields - January 16th - A significant day commemorating the triumph of a smaller Imperial force over the Turcic Vizier. It is celebrated through pit fights among slaves, symbolizing homage to Apatur. Leaders of the world regard this day with caution, as it is believed to be a holy act to eliminate a king or prince during the week of the Fields, further highlighting the fervent devotion and dedication to the deity's principles."

The followers of Apatur perceive war as an eternal state, a catalyst for advancement and evolution. They view the rapid technological advancements, the unity of purpose among cities and nations, and the consequential effects as signs of progress and growth. Since time immemorial, they have dedicated themselves to fueling and perpetuating these conflicts, believing that through them, higher orders and greater knowledge can be attained.

Although deemed heretical by the followers of Makru and Xelas, certain scriptures claim Apatur to be the third and youngest sibling among the gods, alongside Makru and Xelas. Adherents of Apatur find this claim more reasonable, pointing to the undeniable synergy between Apatur and Makru in orchestrating wars that bring about transformative change, as well as the undeniable value of new knowledge gained through conflict, acknowledged even by the followers of Xelas.

Apatur's worship is embraced by those immersed in lives of violence. Mercenaries, freelancers, and generals offer their devotion to Apatur, seeking victory in battle. Spies and assassins also pay homage to the deity, seeking divine assistance in accomplishing their clandestine endeavors.

The Black Legion

The followers of Apatur, the god of struggle, dominion, knowledge, darkness, and order, have distinct ways of operating, acting, and recruiting new members. Here is an overview of their characteristics and practices:

Emphasis on Conflict and Advancement: The followers of Apatur perceive war and conflict as catalysts for progress and evolution. They believe that through struggle and domination, humanity can achieve higher orders of knowledge and understanding. They actively seek out opportunities for conflict and engage in battles with the intention of propelling society forward.

Warriors and Mercenaries: The primary members of Apatur's followers are warriors and mercenaries. They are skilled in combat, well-versed in the art of warfare, and committed to the pursuit of victory. These individuals are drawn to Apatur's teachings and principles, finding purpose and fulfillment in the struggle for dominance and the acquisition of knowledge through battle.

Espionage and Subterfuge: Apatur's followers also include spies and covert operatives who specialize in espionage, sabotage, and gathering intelligence. They employ their skills to manipulate political landscapes, create discord among rival factions or nations, and further the agenda of Apatur. Their actions are aimed at undermining opposing forces and sowing chaos to promote the growth of humanity.

Recruitment through Displays of Strength: The followers of Apatur seek to recruit new members who demonstrate strength, skill, and a thirst for advancement. They actively seek out individuals who excel in combat or possess strategic acumen. Potential recruits are often tested through challenges or combat scenarios to assess their suitability for joining the ranks of Apatur's followers.

Promoting Order and Conflict, not Anarchy: While Apatur's followers thrive on conflict and domination, they do not seek to undermine existing states or plunge societies into chaos. Instead, they aim to pit states against each other, instigating controlled conflicts that foster growth and progress. Their ultimate goal is to create an ordered world where conflict is channeled towards advancement rather than anarchy.

Scholarly Pursuits and Knowledge Acquisition: Alongside their focus on warfare, Apatur's followers also value knowledge and intellectual pursuits. They understand that true dominance comes from understanding the complexities of the world and harnessing that knowledge for strategic advantage. They actively seek out opportunities to acquire new knowledge, whether through scholarly studies, exploration, or uncovering ancient secrets.

Rituals and Ceremonies: Followers of Apatur engage in rituals and ceremonies that reflect their dedication to the principles of struggle, dominion, and order. These rituals often involve invocations to Apatur, prayers for victory, and symbolic acts representing the darkness and challenges faced in their path. Such ceremonies serve as a means of strengthening their bond with the god and reinforcing their commitment to the cause.

Overall, the followers of Apatur operate as a disciplined and strategic force, driven by a belief in the power of conflict and dominance to shape the world. They actively recruit individuals who possess strength, skill, and a thirst for advancement, while also valuing intellectual pursuits and the acquisition of knowledge. Their actions are calculated, seeking to promote order and controlled conflict rather than chaos and destruction.

Ranks of The Legion

High Warmaster: The High Warmaster is the highest-ranking authority within the church of Apatur. They are responsible for interpreting and upholding the tenets of Apatur, guiding the faithful in their worship, and overseeing the operations of the church. The High Warmaster is a respected and skilled warrior, renowned for their strategic prowess and leadership abilities.

Warlords: Warlords are powerful individuals who have demonstrated exceptional skill in combat and have gained significant influence among the followers of Apatur. They lead armies and factions aligned with the church, organizing military campaigns and overseeing the tactical execution of battles. Warlords are responsible for recruiting and training warriors, ensuring that the forces of Apatur remain strong and formidable.

Shadowmasters: The Shadowmasters are the covert operatives and spies within the hierarchy of the church. They specialize in espionage, sabotage, and gathering intelligence. These individuals use their skills to manipulate political landscapes and create discord among rival factions or nations, aligning with Apatur's principle of pitting states against each other for the growth of humanity. The Shadowmasters operate in the shadows, utilizing secrecy and deception to achieve their objectives.

Oracles of Strife: The Oracles of Strife are revered individuals with the ability to commune with Apatur and receive divine insights into matters of war, conflict, and strategy. They serve as advisors to the High Warmaster and the Warlords, offering guidance and prophetic visions that shape military decisions and the direction of the church. The Oracles of Strife are highly respected and considered to have a direct connection to the divine will of Apatur.

Battle Chaplains: Battle Chaplains are the spiritual leaders of the church, responsible for conducting religious ceremonies, performing rituals, and providing moral and spiritual guidance to the warriors. They lead prayers and invocations before battles, instilling a sense of devotion and fervor among the soldiers. Battle Chaplains also play a role in comforting and consoling the wounded and fallen, ensuring that the followers of Apatur maintain their faith even in the face of adversity.

Warriors and Mercenaries: The bulk of Apatur's followers are warriors and mercenaries who actively participate in battles and conflicts. They are trained in various forms of combat and weaponry, dedicating themselves to the service of Apatur and the pursuit of victory. Warriors and mercenaries are valued members of the church, as they embody the principles of struggle, domination, and order that Apatur represents.

It's important to note that while Apatur's followers may engage in acts of war and espionage, their motivations are driven by a belief in the growth and progress that can arise from conflict. The church hierarchy emphasizes discipline, strategic thinking, and a commitment to the principles of Apatur. While the church may be seen as controversial and divisive by others, it operates within the bounds of order and seeks to shape the world through the strategic advancement of human society.


While the followers of Apatur embrace war, dominion, and order, there are still transgressions that can be committed within the context of their beliefs and principles. Here is a list of transgressions that a follower of Apatur could make:

Betrayal of Comrades: One of the fundamental tenets of Apatur's followers is unity and strength. Betraying or abandoning fellow followers during battles or crucial missions would be seen as a grave transgression. Loyalty to one's comrades and the collective cause is highly valued.

Failure to Seek Advancement: Followers of Apatur are expected to continuously strive for personal and collective advancement. Failing to seek opportunities for growth, progress, or strategic dominance can be viewed as a transgression against the god's teachings.

Ignorance or Disregard for Knowledge: Knowledge is considered a vital aspect of Apatur's teachings. A follower who displays a lack of interest in acquiring knowledge or intentionally disregards the importance of intellectual pursuits could be seen as straying from the god's path.

Uncontrolled Violence or Excessive Cruelty: While war and conflict are integral to Apatur's beliefs, followers are expected to exercise control over their violence and not engage in wanton destruction. Excessive cruelty or unnecessary brutality that goes beyond the objectives of dominance and order would be considered a transgression.

Undermining Order and Unity: Followers of Apatur value order and the balance of power. Any actions that disrupt or undermine the established order, particularly within their own ranks, can be seen as a transgression. This includes instigating unnecessary internal conflicts or sowing discord among fellow followers.

Refusal to Embrace Darkness: Darkness, both literal and metaphorical, is an integral part of Apatur's domain. A follower who shuns or rejects the darkness or fails to understand its significance may be seen as failing to embrace the god's teachings fully.

Abandoning the Pursuit of Dominance: Apatur's followers actively seek to dominate and subjugate others. A follower who abandons or rejects this pursuit, opting for passivity or submission, may be viewed as straying from the god's path and failing to uphold the principles of Apatur.

It's important to note that transgressions and their severity may vary within different sects or interpretations of Apatur's teachings. What constitutes a transgression can depend on the specific context, the prevailing beliefs within the follower's community, and the interpretation of Apatur's principles.


For a follower of Apatur seeking to atone for their transgressions, the process of redemption would likely involve actions that align with the core tenets and principles of the god. Here are some ways a follower of Apatur could seek atonement:

Seek Renewed Unity: The follower can actively work towards rebuilding trust and fostering unity among their comrades and fellow followers. This may involve sincere apologies, reconciliatory gestures, and demonstrating a renewed commitment to the collective cause.

Embrace Strategic Dominance: To atone for their transgressions, the follower can immerse themselves in the pursuit of dominance and order once again. They can actively engage in strategic planning, contribute their skills and knowledge to enhance the group's power, and work towards achieving victories that advance their cause.

Pursue Knowledge and Wisdom: Atonement can involve a deepened commitment to seeking knowledge and wisdom. The follower can dedicate themselves to learning, studying military strategy, tactics, and history, as well as exploring the philosophical and intellectual aspects of warfare. This pursuit of knowledge can help them grow and evolve as a follower of Apatur.

Demonstrate Controlled Violence: If the transgression involved excessive violence or cruelty, the follower can strive to exercise greater control over their actions. They can focus on channeling their aggression and destructive tendencies towards targeted and purposeful actions that align with the strategic goals of dominance and order, while avoiding unnecessary harm and collateral damage.

Engage in Acts of Subjugation: A follower seeking atonement can actively participate in endeavors that contribute to the subjugation of others, within the context of the god's teachings. This may involve taking on challenging missions, participating in battles or conflicts that serve the interests of dominance and order, and ensuring the triumph of their cause.

Embrace the Darkness: Atonement may involve embracing the darkness associated with Apatur's domain. This could include accepting and understanding the harsh realities of war, acknowledging the moral ambiguity that comes with the pursuit of dominance, and using the darkness as a source of strength and motivation while staying mindful of its potential pitfalls.

Reflect and Learn: A follower seeking atonement should engage in introspection and self-reflection. They can assess the causes and consequences of their transgressions, understand the motivations behind their actions, and learn from their mistakes. This reflective process can lead to personal growth and a renewed dedication to the principles of Apatur.

It's worth noting that the specific methods of atonement may vary depending on the interpretations of Apatur's teachings within different sects or communities. The severity and nature of the transgressions may also influence the steps required for redemption. Ultimately, the follower's genuine remorse, sincere efforts towards change, and active alignment with the core principles of Apatur would be central to the process of atonement.



  • Embrace the ever-changing cycles of life, for they bring forth new beginnings.

  • Respect the delicate balance between creation and decay, for both have their purpose.

  • Nurture the world around you, tending to its needs with love and care.

Holy Days

  • Spring Renewal - As the jungle awakens from its slumber, followers of Larantas engage in ceremonies of renewal, planting new seeds and celebrating the resurgence of life.

  • Summer Abundance - A time of vibrant growth and abundance, followers express gratitude for the bountiful gifts bestowed by Larantas. Festivals of feasting and dance are held to celebrate the flourishing jungle.

  • Autumn Harvest - Followers partake in rituals of thanksgiving, harvesting the fruits of their labor and recognizing the cycle of life and death. They offer prayers to Larantas for continued blessings and guidance.

  • Winter Reflection - A period of introspection and contemplation, during which devotees reflect on the wisdom of Larantas and the lessons learned throughout the year. They seek guidance for the coming seasons and offer acts of devotion to maintain the harmonious relationship with nature.

Larantas is the revered name of the ancient Tree God worshiped by the dwellers of the lush jungle regions. The tribes and communities living amidst the dense foliage have long held a deep connection with nature and the divine presence of Larantas. It is believed that the Tree God watches over the jungle, guiding its inhabitants and granting them the gift of life.

Word of Larantas has spread far beyond the jungles, captivating the hearts of people in distant lands. Followers of Larantas feel a calling to embark on a sacred journey to seek the presence of the revered Tree God. They offer prayers and receive blessings, feeling the life force of Larantas flowing through them.

The guardians of the jungle, known as the Leaf Wardens, are entrusted with protecting the sacred groves and ensuring the flourishing of Larantas. They possess the ability to commune with nature, channeling its power to ward off threats and maintain the delicate harmony within the jungle.

The Worldmind

The followers of Larantas operate, act, and recruit new members in ways that align with the principles and beliefs associated with the worship of the Tree God. Here's a description of how they typically engage in these activities:

Deep Connection with Nature: Followers of Larantas prioritize developing a deep connection with nature. They spend time in the natural world, observing and appreciating its beauty, and recognizing the inherent balance and harmony that exists within it. They actively seek to understand and align themselves with the cycles of life, growth, and renewal.

Stewardship and Care: Larantas' followers act as stewards of the natural world, taking responsibility for its preservation and nurturing its well-being. They engage in practices of conservation, sustainable living, and ecological awareness. They strive to maintain the delicate balance between creation and decay, respecting the interconnectedness of all living beings and the environment.

Rituals and Ceremonies: Followers of Larantas partake in rituals and ceremonies that honor and celebrate the cycles of nature and the changing seasons. These rituals often involve offerings, prayers, and communal gatherings held in sacred groves or natural settings. Through these practices, followers seek to deepen their connection with Larantas and express gratitude for the gifts of the natural world.

Community and Communal Living: Larantas' followers often live in close-knit communities, particularly in jungle regions where the worship of the Tree God has deep roots. They share a sense of kinship and unity, fostering a supportive and cooperative environment. Communal living allows for the sharing of knowledge, resources, and experiences, reinforcing the core principles of Larantas' teachings.

Lead by Example: Followers of Larantas strive to embody the teachings of their faith through their actions. They lead lives that exemplify respect for nature, harmony, and balance. By embodying these values, they aim to inspire others and serve as living examples of the transformative power of their beliefs.

Recruitment through Inspiration: The recruitment of new members into the faith of Larantas often occurs through the inspiration and influence of existing followers. Their genuine love for nature, wisdom, and reverence for the divine draws the attention of others who are seeking a deeper connection with the natural world. Followers may share their experiences, stories, and insights, inviting others to explore the teachings of Larantas and join in the worship of the Tree God.

Personal Journeys and Seeking: Larantas' followers encourage personal journeys of self-discovery and seeking. They recognize that each individual's path to connecting with nature and embracing the faith is unique. Aspiring followers are encouraged to spend time in nature, engage in introspection, and seek out moments of insight and inspiration. The personal transformation and growth that come from these experiences often lead individuals to choose to become followers of Larantas.

Overall, the followers of Larantas operate with a deep reverence for nature, a commitment to stewardship, and a desire to live in harmony with the cycles of life. Their actions, rituals, and communal living reflect these values, and their recruitment efforts are rooted in inspiration and the sharing of wisdom and experiences.

Ranks of The Green

The Church Hierarchy of Larantas is shaped by the unique aspects and beliefs associated with the worship of the Tree God. Here is a proposed hierarchy that aligns with the provided guidelines:

Elder Grove: The Elder Grove represents the highest authority within the Church of Larantas. It consists of a small group of spiritually enlightened individuals who have consumed the Nectar of Larantas and achieved a deep connection with the divine essence of the Tree God. They are regarded as the most revered and wise followers, possessing profound insight and knowledge. The members of the Elder Grove serve as the spiritual leaders and advisors of the faith, guiding the direction of the church and making important decisions.

Wardens: The Wardens are the protectors and guardians of the sacred groves and the natural world. They are chosen from among the most devoted and skilled followers of Larantas, demonstrating a strong affinity for nature and the ability to commune with it. The Wardens are responsible for maintaining the balance and harmony within the jungle, ensuring the flourishing of Larantas and its ecosystem. They possess unique powers and knowledge passed down through generations, allowing them to communicate with plants and animals and harness nature's energy for protection and healing.

Keepers: The Keepers are dedicated caretakers of the sacred groves and smaller shrines scattered throughout the jungle. They tend to the physical needs of the groves, nurturing the trees, plants, and wildlife that reside within them. The Grove Keepers also conduct rituals and ceremonies, ensuring the sanctity and spiritual vibrancy of the groves. They hold the responsibility of passing down traditional knowledge, rituals, and teachings to the next generation of followers.

Gatherers: Gatherers are the explorers and seekers of the faith. They embark on journeys beyond the jungle, venturing into distant lands to spread the teachings of Larantas and recruit new followers. These individuals have a deep passion for sharing the wisdom and reverence for nature, despite the challenges they may face in unfamiliar territories. They collect stories, artifacts, and knowledge from other cultures to enrich the understanding of Larantas and its significance in different contexts.

Followers: The general body of followers comprises individuals who have embraced the faith of Larantas and align their lives with its principles. They participate in rituals, observe holy days, and engage in acts of stewardship toward the natural world. While some followers may reside in jungle communities where the worship of Larantas is deeply ingrained, others may be scattered in various locations, including cities where their faith is viewed as unconventional. Followers find solace and connection in their shared beliefs and the hivemind experience granted by drinking the Nectar of Larantas, allowing them to perceive the presence of fellow followers in proximity.

It is worth noting that the hierarchy presented here is flexible and adaptable, allowing for variations based on specific cultural practices and regional traditions. The emphasis on spiritual connection, stewardship, and the interdependence of followers with nature remains central to the faith of Larantas.


While the followers of Larantas strive to live in harmony with nature and uphold the principles of their faith, there are transgressions that a follower could make against the Tree God. These transgressions go against the core tenets and values associated with Larantas' worship. Here is a list of transgressions that a follower could commit:

Destruction of Nature: Deliberate and indiscriminate destruction of natural habitats, deforestation, or harming plant and animal life would be considered a grave transgression against Larantas. Followers are expected to be custodians of nature, respecting and nurturing the delicate balance of the environment.

Disrupting Balance: Actions that disrupt the balance and harmony of ecosystems, such as introducing invasive species, disrupting natural cycles, or causing imbalances in the food chain, are seen as transgressions. Followers are expected to understand and respect the interconnectedness of all living beings and strive to maintain the natural order.

Neglecting Stewardship: Failing to fulfill responsibilities as stewards of the natural world can be considered a transgression. This includes neglecting to care for and nurture the environment, ignoring environmental concerns, or engaging in practices that harm the ecological integrity of the land.

Disrespecting Rituals and Ceremonies: Disregarding or disrespecting the sacred rituals and ceremonies associated with Larantas' worship is seen as a transgression. These rituals are meant to honor and celebrate the cycles of nature and foster a deep connection with the Tree God.

Forsaking Community: Followers of Larantas value community and communal living. Therefore, intentionally isolating oneself from the community or disregarding the principles of cooperation, mutual support, and shared resources can be seen as a transgression against the spirit of Larantas' teachings.

Exploitation of Nature: Engaging in practices that exploit natural resources without consideration for their sustainable use or the long-term well-being of the environment is considered a transgression. Followers are expected to approach resource utilization with respect, mindfulness, and a focus on balance and renewal.

Ignoring Growth and Renewal: Neglecting personal growth, self-improvement, and the pursuit of knowledge can be seen as a transgression against Larantas. Followers are encouraged to embrace the ever-changing cycles of life and engage in continuous learning and personal development.

Acting with Disharmony: Behaviors that promote conflict, division, or disharmony among individuals or communities go against the principles of Larantas. Followers are encouraged to seek harmony, unity, and understanding in their interactions with others.

It is important to note that transgressions are not irredeemable, and followers who commit them can seek repentance and atonement by acknowledging their actions, making amends, and renewing their commitment to the principles of Larantas' faith.


To atone for transgressions committed against Larantas, followers can undertake various actions and practices to seek forgiveness, restore balance, and renew their connection with the Tree God. Here are some ways a follower of Larantas could atone for their transgressions:

Repentance and Reflection: The first step towards atonement is acknowledging the transgression and reflecting upon its impact. Followers can engage in introspection, examining their actions, motivations, and the consequences of their behavior. This self-reflection helps in developing a genuine sense of remorse and a desire to make amends.

Offering of Amends: Followers can make offerings or perform acts of restitution that directly address the harm caused. This may involve participating in environmental restoration projects, volunteering for conservation efforts, or actively engaging in activities that promote the well-being of nature and its creatures. By actively working towards healing the damage caused, followers demonstrate their commitment to rectifying their transgressions.

Rituals of Cleansing: Engaging in purification rituals or ceremonies can help followers cleanse themselves of negative energies and seek forgiveness from Larantas. These rituals often involve elements of water, herbs, or sacred plants that symbolize purification and renewal. By actively participating in such rituals, followers seek to purify their intentions and restore their spiritual connection with Larantas.

Renewed Commitment: Atonement requires a renewed commitment to the principles and teachings of Larantas. Followers can reaffirm their dedication to living in harmony with nature, nurturing the environment, and fostering a deep sense of respect for all living beings. This includes actively practicing sustainable behaviors, supporting conservation efforts, and promoting the well-being of ecosystems.

Seeking Guidance: Followers may seek guidance and counsel from elder members of the community or wise mentors who are well-versed in the teachings of Larantas. These individuals can provide guidance, support, and help in the process of atonement, offering insights and wisdom on how to navigate the path of reconciliation with the Tree God.

Self-Transformation: Atonement often involves personal growth and transformation. Followers can embark on a journey of self-improvement, seeking to rectify the qualities or behaviors that led to the transgression. This may involve cultivating virtues such as mindfulness, compassion, and empathy, and actively working to embody the principles of Larantas in their daily lives.

Service to the Community: Engaging in acts of service and contributing positively to the community can be a meaningful way to atone for transgressions. By selflessly giving back to nature and the people around them, followers demonstrate their commitment to Larantas' teachings and work towards restoring the balance and harmony within their community.

Ultimately, the process of atonement for a follower of Larantas involves sincere remorse, active efforts towards restitution, and a genuine commitment to living in accordance with the principles of the Tree God. It is through these actions and practices that followers seek forgiveness, reconciliation, and a renewed connection with Larantas and the natural world.

The Penitent Choir


  • Through acknowledgment of our past sins, we seek redemption and strive for a brighter future.

  • In unity, we find strength and healing, for together we can mend the broken world.

  • Compassion and justice are the guiding principles on our path to salvation.

Holy Days

  • Day of Remembrance - A solemn day of reflection held annually to remember the victims of the The Black Day and to honor their memory through acts of charity and compassion.

  • Harmony Festival - A joyous celebration of unity and reconciliation, where followers from different sects come together to emphasize the importance of harmony and solidarity within the faith.

  • Day of Justice - A day dedicated to advocating for justice and fairness in society, inspiring the faithful to actively work towards creating a more equitable world.

  • Pilgrimage of Redemption - A sacred journey undertaken by devout followers to sacred sites associated with the The Black Day, seeking spiritual renewal and personal transformation.

Born in the aftermath of the devastating The Black Day, the The Penitent Choire merged as a renewed faith, drawing its origins from the remnants of the shattered Church of Le Vides. The catastrophic events led the high priests of Le Vides to question the silence of their god, perceiving it as a divine rebuke towards humanity. In response, they embarked on a journey of transformation, giving rise to the Penitent Choir and its subsequent evolution into the Reclaimed Covenant.

The formation of the The Penitent Choir was met with internal struggles and disagreements among its followers. Various sects emerged, each advocating for different paths to redemption and expressing their beliefs through diverse rituals and practices. These differences occasionally led to clashes and disputes within the faith, highlighting the challenges faced in reconciling their shared mission.

Despite their internal divisions, The Penitent Choir as a whole stands as a beacon of goodness and compassion. The faithful devote themselves to serving the marginalized, tending to the needs of the impoverished and defending the rights of the vulnerable. They are driven by a deep sense of responsibility to mend the brokenness brought upon by the The Black Day and to create a more just and harmonious world.

While the The Penitent Choir rejects extreme forms of self-inflicted suffering, certain sects have adopted penitential rituals, such as acts of self-discipline and contemplation, as a means of personal reflection and growth. These practices serve as reminders of the past sins and the ongoing journey towards redemption.

The Lamenters

The followers of The Penitent Choir operate, act, and recruit new members in the following ways:

Operation and Practices: The followers of The Penitent Choir are driven by their commitment to redemption, unity, compassion, justice, and salvation. They actively engage in acts of charity, service, and advocacy to bring about positive change in the world. Their daily lives are centered around the principles of the faith, seeking to live in accordance with the teachings of The Penitent Choir.

Compassionate Outreach: The followers of The Penitent Choir actively reach out to marginalized communities, refugees, and the poor, providing assistance, support, and care. They establish shelters, food banks, and healthcare centers to address the needs of those who are suffering. The followers of The Penitent Choir view these acts of compassion as essential expressions of their faith and as a means to foster unity and healing in society.

Advocacy for Justice: The followers of The Penitent Choir are passionate advocates for justice and fairness. They speak out against oppression, discrimination, and inequality, working towards creating a more equitable and harmonious world. They actively support initiatives that promote social justice, human rights, and the well-being of all individuals. By fighting for justice, they believe they are fulfilling their divine mandate.

Rituals and Worship: The followers of The Penitent Choir engage in regular worship and ritual practices. Daily singing sessions are an integral part of their spiritual routine, renewing their faith and fostering unity among the faithful. They gather in congregations to participate in prayers, sermons, and ceremonies, deepening their connection to their beliefs and strengthening their sense of community.

Recruitment: The followers of The Penitent Choir seek to expand their community and recruit new members who share their commitment to redemption, unity, compassion, justice, and salvation. They often engage in outreach programs, sharing the teachings and values of their faith with others. They may hold public events, open discussions, or provide opportunities for individuals to witness their charitable works firsthand. Personal testimonies and stories of transformation may also be shared to inspire and attract new members.

Personal Transformation: The followers of The Penitent Choir emphasize personal transformation and growth as a means of deepening their connection to the faith. They encourage self-reflection, introspection, and acknowledgment of past mistakes or transgressions. Through acts of penance, self-discipline, and contemplation, followers seek to atone for their past sins and strive for a brighter future. This personal transformation serves as a testament to the power of redemption and serves as an example to others.

Overall, the followers of The Penitent Choir operate with a strong sense of purpose, actively living out their faith through compassionate actions, justice advocacy, and spiritual practices. They aim to create a community united by shared values and to extend their message of redemption and salvation to those who are in need of healing and hope.

Ranks of the Choir

The church hierarchy for The Penitent Choir could be structured in the following way, taking into account the given guidelines:

Grand Redeemer: The highest position within the church hierarchy, held by a revered individual who embodies the core principles of redemption, unity, compassion, justice, and salvation. The Grand Redeemer serves as the spiritual leader and the ultimate authority in matters of doctrine, guidance, and interpretation of the faith.

Council of Harmony: Comprising senior members of The Penitent Choir, the Council of Harmony acts as an advisory body to the Grand Redeemer. They provide counsel, share wisdom, and participate in decision-making processes that shape the direction of the church. The council ensures the unity and harmonious functioning of the various sects and helps resolve conflicts or disputes that may arise.

Sect Leaders: The followers of The Penitent Choir are organized into different sects, each representing a distinct path to redemption and salvation. Each sect is led by a Sect Leader, chosen based on their deep understanding of the faith, commitment to the teachings, and ability to guide their sect members on their spiritual journey. Sect Leaders oversee the rituals, practices, and activities of their respective sects, and they act as a bridge between the followers and the Council of Harmony.

Choir Masters: The practice of daily singing to renew faith is central to The Penitent Choir. Choir Masters are skilled musicians and vocalists responsible for leading the daily singing sessions. They ensure the quality and dedication of the choir's musical performances, inspiring the faithful with their melodic expressions of devotion. Choir Masters also play a role in organizing special choral performances during significant holy days and celebrations.

Reclaimer: As the militant wing of The Penitent Choir, the Reclaimers have the responsibility of protecting refugees, the poor, and the marginalized. They function as a humanitarian and defense force, providing shelter, aid, and security to those in need. Reclaimers embody the principles of justice, compassion, and unity through their actions, standing as defenders of the weak and champions of social justice.

Ordained Ministers: Ordained Ministers are individuals who have undergone rigorous training and study of The Penitent Choir's teachings. They serve as spiritual guides, counselors, and facilitators of religious ceremonies within local communities. Ordained Ministers lead congregations in prayers, provide pastoral care, and assist in organizing and conducting the various holy day observances and rituals.

Faithful Followers: The body of The Penitent Choir consists of dedicated and faithful followers who actively participate in the church's activities, rituals, and charitable endeavors. They are encouraged to engage in acts of selfless service, altruism, and compassionate outreach to embody the teachings of their faith. The faithful engage in daily singing sessions, attend gatherings and sermons, and contribute to the betterment of society through their individual and collective efforts.

This hierarchical structure of The Penitent Choir reflects the balance between spiritual leadership, guidance, community organization, and the pursuit of altruistic acts as a means of bringing about redemption and renewal. It allows for the fulfillment of the faith's core tenets while maintaining a harmonious relationship between the followers, their leaders, and the divine purpose they strive to fulfill.


While The Penitent Choir promotes a path of redemption and compassion, there are certain transgressions that a follower could make against the god and the principles of the faith. These transgressions include:

Betrayal: Betraying the trust of fellow followers or the community by engaging in actions that harm or deceive others goes against the core principles of unity and compassion.

Injustice: Actively promoting or participating in acts of injustice, such as discrimination, oppression, or exploitation, contradicts the belief in justice and fairness upheld by The Penitent Choir.

Selfishness: Prioritizing one's own interests and desires over the well-being and needs of others runs counter to the values of compassion and selflessness emphasized by the faith.

Cruelty: Engaging in deliberate acts of cruelty, violence, or harm towards fellow beings, whether human or non-human, goes against the principles of compassion and redemption.

Abandoning Responsibilities: Neglecting or abandoning the duties and responsibilities entrusted to a follower within the community, such as failing to provide assistance or support to those in need, can be seen as a transgression against the tenets of The Penitent Choir.

Lack of Forgiveness: Holding grudges, refusing to forgive, or harboring feelings of resentment and vengeance towards others contradicts the spirit of redemption, unity, and compassion promoted by the faith.

Falsehood: Engaging in dishonesty, spreading falsehoods, or manipulating others for personal gain undermines the values of truthfulness and integrity upheld by The Penitent Choir.

Greed: Excessive desire for wealth, possessions, or power, at the expense of others or without considering the needs of the marginalized, stands in contrast to the principles of selflessness and justice.

It's important to note that The Penitent Choir believes in the possibility of redemption and offers avenues for atonement and growth. Followers who commit transgressions can seek forgiveness, engage in acts of repentance, and work towards making amends to restore harmony within themselves and the community.


A follower of The Penitent Choir can seek atonement for their transgressions through various means, guided by the principles of redemption, unity, compassion, and justice. Here are some ways in which a follower can seek atonement:

Acknowledgment and Confession: The first step towards atonement is acknowledging and taking responsibility for one's transgressions. Followers are encouraged to reflect upon their actions, recognize the harm caused, and openly confess their mistakes to those affected or to the community as a whole. Repentance and Contrition: Genuine remorse and a sincere desire to change are essential for atonement. A follower must express heartfelt regret for their actions, demonstrating a willingness to learn from their mistakes and make amends.

Acts of Restitution: Atonement often involves making restitution or reparations for the harm caused. This may include seeking forgiveness from those affected, offering apologies, and taking practical steps to rectify the damage done, both in material and emotional terms.

Self-Reflection and Transformation: Followers are encouraged to engage in self-reflection and introspection to understand the root causes of their transgressions. By identifying underlying issues or negative patterns, they can work towards personal growth, cultivating virtues such as empathy, compassion, and humility.

Service and Altruism: Engaging in acts of service and selflessness is a fundamental part of atonement within The Penitent Choir. By actively participating in charitable deeds, supporting the marginalized, and working towards justice and social change, followers demonstrate their commitment to making a positive impact in the world.

Seeking Guidance and Mentorship: A follower may seek guidance from spiritual leaders, elders, or mentors within the community. These individuals can provide counsel, support, and guidance on the path of atonement, helping the follower navigate their journey towards redemption.

Continued Devotion and Practice: Atonement is an ongoing process that requires dedication and perseverance. Followers are encouraged to deepen their spiritual practice, engage in regular prayer, meditation, and acts of worship, allowing their faith to guide their actions and decisions.

It's important to note that atonement within The Penitent Choir is not a mere ritual or external act but a deeply personal and transformative journey. The process of atonement involves sincere internal reflection, genuine remorse, and active efforts towards positive change, both individually and within the community.

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