
An aspiring Magister or novice Esoteria practitioner is a scholar of the arcane arts. Through the meticulous study of formulas, the utilization of reagents, and the strength of their determination, they tap into invisible and intangible forces that hold true existence. By drawing upon these forces and channeling them into the realm of Tellus, they become conduits, shaping and manipulating them to suit their desires. This power they wield bears resemblance to the divine power harnessed by the Gods themselves, thus highlighting the perpetual tension between the devout followers and those who question the necessity of divine entities in the world.

Daemons and Others

Magisters of all bents and talents often find it useful to conjure up Daemons to do their bidding. These beings are not brought from another plane to our knowledge, but are conjured straight from the mind of the Magister, taking on the form and temperment chosen at the time of creation.

That is not to say that all Daemons are just husks bound to their Magister's will. In fact the more potent the summoned Daemon, the greater the struggle to maintain control. Daemons of sufficient strength do break free from their masters, living strange lives in forms of their alteration, for unknown periods of time before dissappating.

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