Conjuring Esoteria

Esoteria functions as an Attribute Roll with additional steps after it completes.

Casting Spells

Magic is intended to be dynamic, narrative, and unnatural. For these reasons The Murk refrains from providing explicit spells and capabilities outside a few key areas. There are thousands of Esoteria symbols so when describing magic, the Paragon can use whatever flourish or description they wish to dress the effects of their spells in.

Esoteria is cast using an Esoteria Attribute Roll. First the Actor describes the intent of the casting, and is given both a Difficulty Rating and Magnitude they would need to accomplish this. Upon making the check success is determined as normal rules, then Backlash is applied.

Weapon damage is often set as the Magnitude of a spell for the purpose of attacks


Esoterists are quite literally channelling stolen(or given) power from the Gods into their mortal frames. As such they must make an Attribute Only roll of their Esoteria VS the Magnitude and absorb Stress equal to the difference.

Potential can be used before the roll to gain a bonus on the roll.


Those possessing the latent Esoteric skill can use it to alter reality as they see fit. All that is required is a keen mind, a clear ritual, and a near limitless tolerance to sacrifice the things around you for the goal you have in mind. This functions as an extentsion of normal casting. A ritual effectively enables the Esoterist to make their Backlash rolls in small parts, taking multiple scenes to complete a great and powerful spell.

For every scene a Esoterist uses a ritual, they may divide up their Backlash by 3 and roll those pieces individually

Calling on Faith

Compared to Esoteria, Faith is relatively simple, yet significantly more complex at activation. As part of any Scene where there is downtime, a Faithful may pray to their god.

During the prayer, they roll a Faith Attribute Roll with a starting DR of 8+ any Sins since last Prayer

If successful, they are awarded Power in points equal to the difference.

They may use these points at any time to perform Miracles


The Faithful may perform a Miracle by doing 2 things.

  1. State the intent of the miracle.
  2. Stating the Creed they are fulfilling for their god by doing this miracle - or -note which sin they are punishing.
  3. Select the amount of Power they wish to use.
  4. The Director then assigns a DR for the miracle

They then take a number of their Faith Dice equal to this Power value and roll.

All Power used is used regardless of success or not.

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