Name, Background & Traits
First, choose or roll your PC’s name and background from their respective tables. A PC’s background informs their potential knowledge and skills.
Next, roll for the rest of your character's traits (appearance, speech, mannerisms, beliefs, reputation, etc.) on the Character Traits tables.
Finally, roll for their age (2d20+10).
Ability Scores
Player Characters (PCs) have just three attributes:
Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX), and Willpower (WIL). When creating a PC, the player should roll 3d6 for each of their character's ability scores, in order. They may then swap any two of the results.
Hit Protection
Roll 1d6 to determine your PC's starting Hit Protection (HP), which reflects their ability to avoid damage in combat. HP does not indicate a character's health or fortitude; nor do they lose it for very long (see Healing). If an attack takes a PC's HP exactly to 0, the player must roll on the Scars table.
Characters have a total of 10 inventory slots: a backpack with six slots, one slot for each hand, and two slots for their upper body (such as the belt, chest, or head). The backpack can also double as an emergency sleeping bag but only if emptied of its contents.
Most items take up one slot, and small items can be bundled together. Slots are abstract and can be rearranged per the Warden's discretion.
Bulky items take up two slots and are typically two-handed or awkward to carry. Anyone carrying a full inventory (i.e. filling all 10 slots) is reduced to 0 HP.
A PC cannot carry more items than their inventory allows. Carts (which must be pulled with both hands), horses, or mules can increase inventory. Hirelings can also be paid to carry equipment.
Starting Gear
All PCs begin with:
- Three days' rations (one slot)
- A torch (one slot)
- 3d6 gold pieces
Roll once on each of the Starting Gear tables to determine your PC's armor, weapons, tools, and equipment. If indicated, roll on the Spellbooks table with a d100 (or roll 2d10, using one die as the ones place, and the other as the tens place). Pick only one item for each result.
See the Equipment List for related armor, damage, and slot values. Smaller items can sometimes be bundled together into one slot.
If you would like something closer to traditional classes, refer to the list of Optional Gear Packages.
Name & Background (d20)
Female Names
| | | | | | | |
1 | Agune | 6 | Drelil | 11 | Lirann | 16 | Sybil |
2 | Beatrice | 7 | Elgile | 12 | Lirathil | 17 | Theune |
3 | Breagan | 8 | Esme | 13 | Lisabeth | 18 | Wenain |
4 | Bronwyn | 9 | Griya | 14 | Moralil | 19 | Ygwal |
5 | Cannora | 10 | Henaine | 15 | Morgwen | 20 | Yslen |
Male Names
| | | | | | | |
1 | Arwel | 6 | Breglor | 11 | Grinwit | 16 | Melnax |
2 | Bevan | 7 | Canhoreal | 12 | Gruwid | 17 | Orthax |
3 | Boroth | 8 | Emrys | 13 | Gruwth | 18 | Triunein |
4 | Borrid | 9 | Ethex | 14 | Gwestin | 19 | Wenlan |
5 | Breagle | 10 | Gringle | 15 | Mannog | 20 | Yirmeor |
| | | | | | | |
1 | Abernathy | 6 | Crumwaller | 11 | Harper | 16 | Swinney |
2 | Addercap | 7 | Dunswallow | 12 | Loomer | 17 | Thatcher |
3 | Burl | 8 | Getri | 13 | Malksmilk | 18 | Tolmen |
4 | Candlewick | 9 | Glass | 14 | Smythe | 19 | Weaver |
5 | Cormick | 10 | Harkness | 15 | Sunderman | 20 | Wolder |
| | | | | | | |
1 | Alchemist | 6 | Cleric | 11 | Magician | 16 | Performer |
2 | Blacksmith | 7 | Gambler | 12 | Mercenary | 17 | Pickpocket |
3 | Burglar | 8 | Gravedigger | 13 | Merchant | 18 | Smuggler |
4 | Butcher | 9 | Herbalist | 14 | Miner | 19 | Servant |
5 | Carpenter | 10 | Hunter | 15 | Outlaw | 20 | Ranger |
Character Traits (d10)
| | | |
1 | Athletic | 6 | Scrawny |
2 | Brawny | 7 | Short |
3 | Flabby | 8 | Statuesque |
4 | Lanky | 9 | Stout |
5 | Rugged | 10 | Towering |
| | | |
1 | Birthmark | 6 | Round |
2 | Dark | 7 | Soft |
3 | Elongated | 8 | Tanned |
4 | Pockmarked | 9 | Tattooed |
5 | Rosy | 10 | Weathered |
| | | |
1 | Bald | 6 | Long |
2 | Braided | 7 | Luxurious |
3 | Curly | 8 | Oily |
4 | Filthy | 9 | Wavy |
5 | Frizzy | 10 | Wispy |
| | | |
1 | Bony | 6 | Perfect |
2 | Broken | 7 | Rat-like |
3 | Chiseled | 8 | Sharp |
4 | Elongated | 9 | Square |
5 | Pale | 10 | Sunken |
| | | |
1 | Blunt | 6 | Gravelly |
2 | Booming | 7 | Precise |
3 | Cryptic | 8 | Squeaky |
4 | Droning | 9 | Stuttering |
5 | Formal | 10 | Whispery |
| | | |
1 | Antique | 6 | Frayed |
2 | Bloody | 7 | Frumpy |
3 | Elegant | 8 | Livery |
4 | Filthy | 9 | Rancid |
5 | Foreign | 10 | Soiled |
| | | |
1 | Ambitious | 6 | Honorable |
2 | Cautious | 7 | Humble |
3 | Courageous | 8 | Merciful |
4 | Disciplined | 9 | Serene |
5 | Gregarious | 10 | Tolerant |
| | | |
1 | Aggressive | 6 | Lazy |
2 | Bitter | 7 | Nervous |
3 | Craven | 8 | Rude |
4 | Deceitful | 9 | Vain |
5 | Greedy | 10 | Vengeful |
| | | |
1 | Ambitious | 6 | Loafer |
2 | Boor | 7 | Oddball |
3 | Dangerous | 8 | Repulsive |
4 | Entertainer | 9 | Respected |
5 | Honest | 10 | Wise |
| | | |
1 | Abandoned | 6 | Defrauded |
2 | Addicted | 7 | Demoted |
3 | Blackmailed | 8 | Discredited |
4 | Condemned | 9 | Disowned |
5 | Cursed | 10 | Exiled |
Starting Gear (d20)
| | | |
1-3 | 4-14 | 15-19 | 20 |
None | Brigandine | Chainmail | Plate |
Helmets & Shields
| | | |
1-13 | 14-16 | 17-19 | 20 |
None | Helmet | Shield | Helmet & Shield |
| | | |
1-5 | 6-14 | 15-19 | 20 |
Dagger, Cudgel, Staff | Sword, Mace, Axe | Bow, Crossbow, Sling | Halberd, War Hammer, Battleaxe |
Expeditionary Gear
| | | | | | | |
1 | Air Bladder | 6 | Fire Oil | 11 | Manacles | 16 | Rope (25ft) |
2 | Antitoxin | 7 | Grappling Hook | 12 | Pick | 17 | Spirit Ward |
3 | Cart (+4 slots, bulky) | 8 | Large Sack | 13 | Pole (10ft) | 18 | Spyglass |
4 | Chain (10ft) | 9 | Large Trap | 14 | Pulley | 19 | Tinderbox |
5 | Dowsing Rod | 10 | Lockpicks | 15 | Repellent | 20 | Wolfsbane |
| | | | | | | |
1 | Bellows | 6 | Cook Pots | 11 | Grease | 16 | Net |
2 | Bucket | 7 | Crowbar | 12 | Hammer | 17 | Saw |
3 | Caltrops | 8 | Drill (Manual) | 13 | Hour Glass | 18 | Sealant |
4 | Chalk | 9 | Fishing Rod | 14 | Metal File | 19 | Shovel |
5 | Chisel | 10 | Glue | 15 | Nails | 20 | Tongs |
| | | | | | | |
1 | Bottle | 6 | Horn | 11 | Mirror | 16 | Soap |
2 | Card Deck | 7 | Incense | 12 | Perfume | 17 | Sponge |
3 | Dice Set | 8 | Instrument | 13 | Quill & Ink | 18 | Tar Pot |
4 | Face Paint | 9 | Lens | 14 | Salt Pack | 19 | Twine |
5 | Fake Jewels | 10 | Marbles | 15 | Small Bell | 20 | Whistle |
Bonus Item (roll on table indicated)
| | | |
1-5 | 6-13 | 14-17 | 18-20 |
Tool or Trinket | Expeditionary Gear | Armor or Weapon | Spellbook |
Spellbooks (d100)
| | | | | | | |
1 | Adhere | 26 | Earthquake | 51 | Masquerade | 76 | Smoke Form |
2 | Anchor | 27 | Elasticity | 52 | Miniaturize | 77 | Sniff |
3 | Animate Object | 28 | Elemental Wall | 53 | Mirror Image | 78 | Snuff |
4 | Anthropomorphize | 29 | Filch | 54 | Mirrorwalk | 79 | Sort |
5 | Arcane Eye | 30 | Flare | 55 | Multiarm | 80 | Spectacle |
6 | Astral Prison | 31 | Fog Cloud | 56 | Night Sphere | 81 | Spellsaw |
7 | Attract | 32 | Frenzy | 57 | Objectify | 82 | Spider Climb |
8 | Auditory Illusion | 33 | Gate | 58 | Ooze Form | 83 | Summon Cube |
9 | Babble | 34 | Gravity Shift | 59 | Pacify | 84 | Swarm |
10 | Bait Flower | 35 | Greed | 60 | Phobia | 85 | Telekinesis |
11 | Beast Form | 36 | Haste | 61 | Pit | 86 | Telepathy |
12 | Befuddle | 37 | Hatred | 62 | Primal Surge | 87 | Teleport |
13 | Body Swap | 38 | Hear Whispers | 63 | Push/Pull | 88 | Target Lure |
14 | Charm | 39 | Hover | 64 | Raise Dead | 89 | Thicket |
15 | Command | 40 | Hypnotize | 65 | Raise Spirit | 90 | Summon Idol |
16 | Comprehend | 41 | Icy Touch | 66 | Read Mind | 91 | Time Control |
17 | Cone of Foam | 42 | Identify Owner | 67 | Repel | 92 | True Sight |
18 | Control Plants | 43 | Illuminate | 68 | Scry | 93 | Upwell |
19 | Control Weather | 44 | Invisible Tether | 69 | Sculpt Elements | 94 | Vision |
20 | Cure Wounds | 45 | Knock | 70 | Sense | 95 | Visual Illusion |
21 | Deafen | 46 | Leap | 71 | Shield | 96 | Ward |
22 | Detect Magic | 47 | Liquid Air | 72 | Shroud | 97 | Web |
23 | Disassemble | 48 | Magic Dampener | 73 | Shuffle | 98 | Widget |
24 | Disguise | 49 | Manse | 74 | Sleep | 99 | Wizard Mark |
25 | Displace | 50 | Marble Craze | 75 | Slick | 100 | X-Ray Vision |
Equipment List (Prices in Gold Pieces)
| |
Shield (+1 Armor) | 10 |
Helmet (+1 Armor) | 10 |
Gambeson (+1 Armor) | 15 |
Brigandine (1 Armor, bulky) | 20 |
Chainmail (2 Armor, bulky) | 40 |
Plate (3 Armor, bulky) | 60 |
| |
Dagger, Cudgel, Sickle, Staff, etc. (d6 damage) | 5 |
Spear, Sword, Mace, Axe, Flail, etc. (d8 damage) | 10 |
Halberd, War Hammer, Long Sword, etc. (d10 damage, bulky) | 20 |
Sling (d4 damage) | 5 |
Bow (d6 damage, bulky) | 20 |
Crossbow (d8 damage, bulky) | 30 |
| | | |
Air Bladder | 5 | Large Trap | 20 |
Bellows | 10 | Large Sponge | 5 |
Bedroll | 5 | Lens | 10 |
Book | 50 | Lockpicks | 25 |
Bucket | 5 | Manacles | 10 |
Caltrops | 10 | Metal File | 5 |
Cart (+4 slots, bulky) | 30 | Mirror | 5 |
Chain (10ft) | 10 | Mule (+6 slots, slow) | 30 |
Chalk | 1 | Net | 10 |
Chisel | 5 | Oilskin Bag | 5 |
Cook Pots | 10 | Pick | 10 |
Crowbar | 10 | Pulley | 10 |
Drill (Manual) | 10 | Pole (10ft) | 5 |
Face Paint | 10 | Quill & Ink | 10 |
Fire Oil | 10 | Rations (three day's worth) | 10 |
Fishing Rod | 10 | Rope (25ft) | 5 |
Glass Marbles | 5 | Saw | 5 |
Glue | 5 | Sack | 5 |
Grease | 10 | Shovel | 5 |
Grappling Hook | 25 | Soap | 1 |
Hammer | 5 | Spike | 1 |
Holy Water | 25 | Spiked Boots | 5 |
Horn | 10 | Spyglass | 40 |
Horse (+4 slots) | 75 | Tar | 10 |
Hourglass | 50 | Tent (fits 2 people, bulky) | 20 |
Incense | 10 | Torch | 1 |
Ladder (bulky, 10ft) | 10 | Wagon (+8 slots, slow) | 200 |
Lantern & Oil | 10 | Wolfsbane | 10 |
Optional Gear Packages
War Hammer (d10, bulky) |
Chainmail (2 Armor, bulky) |
Gauntlets (+1 Armor) |
Cleansing Blade (d6) |
Holy Symbol (Ward once per day) |
Cloak of the Order |
Sickle (d6) |
Patchwork Doublet (+1 Armor) |
Dowsing Rod |
Eyestone (Sense if placed in fresh water) |
Worn Map |
Spyglass |
Prickly Root (d6) |
Pinecone Lattice (1 Armor) |
Trowel |
Jar of Forest Ants |
Poisonous mushroom |
Hand Drill |
Elegant Sword (d8) |
Recurve Bow (d8) |
Gilt Clothing (1 Armor) |
Spellbook (Charm or Detect Magic) |
Golden Flute |
Air Bladder |
Glaive (d10, bulky) |
Scimitar (d8) |
Shortsword (d6) |
Shortsword (d6) |
Tobacco Pouch & Pipe |
Dice Set |
Scepter (d6) |
Deceptive Robes (+1 Armor) |
Censer & Holy Water |
Jug of Honey Wine |
Folk Songbook |
Cart (+4 slots, bulky) |
Longsword (d10, bulky) |
Chainmail (2 Armor, bulky) |
Helmet (+1 Armor) |
Heraldic Cape |
Manacles |
Fine Rope |
Magic User
Fizzled Staff (d8, bulky) |
Dagger (d6) |
Spellbook (random spell) |
Spellbook (random spell) |
Ragged Clothing (hidden pockets) |
Leycap (x2, see Relics) |
Two daggers (d6+d6) |
Hooded Jerkin (1 Armor) |
Lockpicks |
Caltrops |
Grappling Hook |
Metal File |
Longbow (d8, bulky) |
Hatchet (d6) |
Padded Leathers (1 Armor) |
Large Trap |
Bloodhound | 2 HP, 12 DEX, bite (d6) |
Thundering Horn |