Themes & Goals

Making an Imposition Dice game is about establishing your themes first. Determine the goals you want the players to pursue and how the gameplay loop can help facilitate achieving those goals.

Paths & Aspects

Once you’ve nailed those down you’ll have a solid idea of what kinds of Paths you’ll need for your game and the Aspects associated with them. While our examples use five Paths with three Aspects each, you may find that yours will need more or fewer. It is not wrong either way. Do what will fit best for your game. If you do deviate from this default, keep in mind how that may adjust the starting Aptitude points your character will need to make them feel competent without being overpowered early on.

Character Options

Classes, Playbooks, or Freeform will have large impacts on the game. Always be true to the themes and making the choice of how to handle character options should be easy. Even still, be open to adjusting your theme if you find that the character options are speaking to you and guiding you in a direction that you find more appealing.

You may find that having skills on top of Paths is largely unnecessary. Or perhaps your game is only skills. Do you need special abilities? That answer to that is most likely dependent on how spectacular or heroic you want the game to feel. Character options can drastically change the tone of your game.

Everything Else

Like a broken record, whether you have equipment and money and how they’re handled is all going to be dependent upon your theme’s and character goals. The more important they are to them the more involved and robust you will want them to be mechanically or how they interact and impact the player experience.

For the college wrestling example we’ve used, equipment and money are probably unnecessary and can be ignored entirely. However, an adventuring party of dungeoneers may need to know how much they can carry, where their items are stored, and how they can impact a scene.

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